Thursday, December 31, 2020

Long, Hartzler, Graves, Smith will object to electoral college certification

(From Seventh District Congressman Billy Long, Fourth District Congresswoman Vicky Hartzler, Sixth District Congressman Sam Graves and Eighth District Congressman Jason Smith)

Next week, your 117th United States Congress will convene for the first time. After the election of Speaker and the adoption of the Rules of Congress, the action will quickly move to reading aloud the electoral votes submitted by each state from this past November's election - counting them, and declaring the vote tally for President and Vice President. 

During that process, the question will be put before your elected officials - does anyone object to the certification of electoral votes of a state. We will object. Our hope is that others will join us.

We don't take this decision lightly, but we must protect the integrity of each vote cast by every law-abiding Missourian. 

For every instance of Georgia failing to follow its own state law in verifying signatures, of Pennsylvania accepting mail ballots after the legal deadline set by its state legislature, or folks from outside Nevada casting a ballot in that state - the value of every Missourians’ vote is diminished. That's not right. And we cannot simply look the other way.

The right to freely cast your vote in elections is a sacred privilege afforded to us as Americans because of the sacrifices of the patriots who fought for that right. When that process is spoiled and abused by officials not following their own state law, it violates that right and jeopardizes the entire integrity and foundation of 'free and fair' elections. 

In such instances, where voting process changes are made without the consent of the voter, we know it is our duty and our obligation to serve as a backstop to protect the power of one person, one vote - to protect your vote as a Missourian. 

We must be able to have confidence in not only the agreement and expectation that this election would follow the law, but future ones will as well. We take the responsibility of upholding the Constitution seriously, and that is why we feel compelled to object to the electoral count taking place on January 6th. 

The reported results of this past November's Presidential election don't even pass the most basic eye test. Republicans were projected to lose seats in the U.S. House of Representatives, we gained more than a dozen. 

Republicans were supposed to lose control of several state legislatures, we picked up multiple. We were projected to lose control of the United States Senate - we didn't, and we won't. 

All of this occurred on the same night President Trump lost? 

It's hard to believe. 

Combined with the daily reports of voting irregularities where state election laws were discarded and not followed, something doesn't add up. President Trump won over 74 million votes, Obama - 69 million. President Trump won 2586 counties, Obama - 873 counties, Joe Biden - 527 counties. The numbers, the evidence, and the abnormalities all speak for themselves.

We have joined lawsuits, called for a Special Counsel and demanded accountability and integrity, now we finally get to cast our vote. We have no illusions about the outcome, at the end of the day, this is still Nancy Pelosi's House. Our only hope is that more will join us - that more will value protecting the vote of every American living in their state as much as we do fighting for yours.


  1. Anonymous3:08 PM

    I have been a Republican my entire life. I hate what has become of my party.

    1. Anonymous7:07 PM

      Ditto. Time for a new Republican party with leadership that represents the best our core values with dignity, integrity, and common sense.

  2. Anonymous4:33 PM

    Herd mentality very strong for Agolf $hitler amongst Showme deplorables!

  3. Anonymous6:48 PM

    Republicans being uglier with each election and the GOP getting crazier by supporting a never ending stream of ever whackier conspiracy theories are guaranteed.

    Brought to you by 40 years of the the Laffer Curve and Nancy Reagan's astrologer (who helped Nancy make decisions for the Alzheimer's addled Bedtime For Bonzo supporting actor in his second term.)

  4. Anonymous10:00 PM

    This former Republican can't run far enough from the dumpster fire that is the current GOP. What a lack of wisdom - do they not see that this may come back to bite them? Turnabout is fair play, but our democracy is no game. PS - Watch Georgia's US Senate seats flip - Democrats - go ahead and get your thank you cards written to Trump as well as all others who are ridiculously and falsely contesting this election.

  5. Anonymous5:05 AM

    About time to start charging some people with Treason.

  6. Anonymous5:42 AM

    Seems it is time to start a recall petition of all republican politicians in Missouri. Would be super interesting if they all got thrown out and total democratic ticket voted in, then start with state legislature. Has this state gone absolutely stupid and ignorant in their choice of politicians. Read folks and then vote and stop voting straight republican or democratic ticket. Jeez, how stupid the American citizen has become, no thought to looking at, understanding and voting in an intelligent manner. Morons are now running the ship and they are in iceberg field.

  7. Anonymous10:46 AM

    It is time for the Trump enablers to put up or shut up. Stop the vague talk about fraud, and show us the specifics. Put it all online, and let the American people judge.

  8. Josh might not be a moron but he is not stupid1:16 PM

    As I just reported on @cnn
    with @JohnAvlon
    , a Republican official tells me that part of why establishment types are so angry with Josh Hawley is because they think he knows better. As the official put it: “He’s not some moron like Louie Gohmert.”

    Judge for yourself.

  10. Anonymous10:26 AM

    Is that one of those places the Flu Klux Klan go to get their disinformation?

  11. Anonymous6:51 PM

    Newton County voted 80+ percent to 19+ percent for Trump. Looks like Randy Turner and those Turner allows to post on his foolish blog think that 74 million Trump voters should be disenfranchised by fraud from the blue states and their inner-cities.

    I support these Rupublican legislators having sense enough to stand up and be counted and to make sure that the 80% of us in Newton County are not disenfranchised.

    Maybe it is past time to split the country up.
