Monday, December 28, 2020

Newton County confirms 24 COVID-19 cases

Newton County confirmed 24 COVID-19 cases today, according to statistics posted this evening on the Newton County Health Department Facebook page.

The new cases bring the county's total to 3,900, with 360 people in isolation.

Twenty-seven county residents are hospitalized, the same as the previous day. Newton County has recorded 64 deaths due to COVID-19.

The statistics do not include the portion of Newton County that is located in the Joplin city limits.


  1. Anonymous10:00 AM

    Did all the Newton County churches follow the CDC guidance to protect their parishioners and the public from the spread of Covid-19?

    Wearing masks, not gathering in large groups?

  2. Anonymous2:32 PM

    If they were proud enough to post the pictures on social media then it seems like they should be posted here.

    Illness and death are the consequences for gathering in large groups indoors without masks; which spreads the covid virus.

  3. Anonymous5:47 PM

    If these pictures are from this year there is an obvious (oblivious?) disregard for the health of their congregation and also all their their fellow citizens:
