Friday, January 15, 2021

Billy Long: For our country to truly heal, Democrats and Republicans need to work together

“When I attempted suicide and I didn’t succeed,” Jill Jackson said, “I knew for the first time unconditional love—which God is. You are totally loved, totally accepted, just the way you are. In that moment I was not allowed to die, and something happened to me, which is very difficult to explain. I had an eternal moment of truth, in which I knew I was loved, and I knew I was here for a purpose.” 

Eleven years later she and her husband of six years Sy Miller penned the hymn “Let there be peace on earth.” It’s been playing on loop in my head this week in Washington – actually, just one line from it, “Let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me.”

During a committee hearing the late Congressman Morris Udall once said, “It is true that everything has been said, but not everyone has said it.” 

In this day and age, when not only do people lust for their 15 minutes of fame, more and more of them seek their 15 minutes 15 times a day. The key here is to get a sound bite of yourself saying something profound that you can use in your next campaign. And all you have to do is simply say something more outrageous than the Congressman that spoke just before you. 

May I remind you that during the four hours of debate this week on invoking the 25th Amendment and Impeachment - debates that included lots of screaming and name calling not one mind or vote was changed. This is standard fare in Congress. 99.99999% of the debates you watch on C-Span have zero effect on changing one mind or vote on the issue being discussed. But boy does it make for some good clips you can use in your next Campaign.

At the apartment I stay at while in Washington, I’ve become very adept with a microwave oven and a saucepan. I can heat up some mean Campbell soup in that saucepan. I like to see those first few bubbles before it breaks into a full boil. 

Those little bubbles mean it’s good and hot. However, if Investigation Discovery has distracted me and I go back to find my soup in a full boil I panic and turn the heat down. It’s time to turn down the heat in Washington and work on loving our neighbors and not hating them. 

‘Let there be peace and let it begin with me’ - too aspirational probably but if I can be a little part of turning down the heat in Washington you’ve got my word, I will do just that. And in a tip of my hat to Mo Udall, if you see a quote from me, I was misquoted because I didn’t say anything. 

Now back to working on good bipartisan legislation, helping Mark with renewing his girlfriend’s passport, helping Jim cut through the red tape and get him into the Veterans Affairs Hospital before it’s too late and oh, yeah Craig’s client really needs for the Small Business Administration to decide on that case one way or the other.

‘And now watch me pull a rabbit out of my hat.‘ A.K.A. What I’ll be working on in the 117th Congress. One of my top priorities in Congress has always been improving access to broadband in the more rural areas in my district. 

I constantly hear from frustrated folks who have extremely slow internet connectivity or no connection at all. In a time where Americans are working, attending school, shopping, and seeing their doctors from home, it is more important than ever to ensure everyone has access to adequate broadband services. 

During the last Congress, I worked across the aisle on legislation to improve the accuracy of broadband maps and hold telecommunications companies accountable if they purposefully fabricated those maps. The first step in ensuring rural communities have adequate broadband access is finding out who has no access at all. 

Now that we’ve worked to make broadband maps more accurate, we need to work hard to get access to these rural areas. I enjoy a very good reputation with my Democratic colleagues, and I look forward to working with them to pass legislation to improve rural broadband.

Lifting up rural communities that often feel left behind by the government is a crucial part of bridging the partisan divide. That is why many of my priorities strive to improve the quality of life in rural communities. 

Another legislative item that I was able to work across the aisle on last Congress was the Success for Rural Students and Communities Act. Language from this bill was included in the latest funding package and creates a grant program to promote postsecondary enrollment and completion rates for rural students. 

While rural students graduate high school at the same or higher rate than their urban counterparts, their college attendance rate is significantly lower. Legislation like this ensures individuals living in rural communities are on an equal playing field with the rest of the nation. It continues to be my goal to work on legislation similar to this, that would ensure rural communities are not left behind.

Another one of my priorities that I have been pushing for years that would improve the quality of life in both rural and urban communities is a bipartisan infrastructure package. If there is one thing that both Democrats and Republicans can agree on, it’s improving our nation’s infrastructure. Unfortunately, Democrats refused to work with Republicans on infrastructure during the Trump Administration but I’m hopeful that they will be more amenable to a compromise after January 20, 2021.

In order for our country to truly heal, Democrats and Republicans in Congress need to work together and pass bipartisan legislation that will benefit everyone. I can promise you that will not happen until we turn down the heat in Washington. I ran on bringing strong conservative principles to Congress and I will continue to fight to ensure those principles are represented in the legislation we pass.


  1. Anonymous11:51 AM

    Billy, there are not adequate words for the statement above except for you to say them and never have applied them I guess the only word is you are a scumbag. your party and people are one of the worse blights to hit our country in the history of its troubled lifespan.

  2. Anonymous4:22 PM

    This here reminds me hiow it used to be 30 years ago. Back when Officers Cleetus and Cephus used to go on domestic violence calls. They'd usually get the call when their old high school quarterback Biff would pour himself in the door and commence to beating his long suffering wife Candy and scaring the kids. It used to help calm things down when the officers knew all the parties involved. Actually they used to get lots of calls like that, and it wasn't just at Biff's house. Small town yall!

    They used to break things up and tell everyone to simmer down. Then they would
    caution both Biff and Candy that they needed to try harder to get along. They reminded Candy that after three arrests and lots more calls to the house sooner or later the prosecutor could drop the hammer on Biff. Then who did she think would make the payments on the rent and Biff's truck? Whatever happened to working together? It wasn't like Biff was a criminal of any sort. They used to ask Candy if she thought he was some sort of a criminal most times they were there for similar things. Of course, the times when Biff would actually get arrested for getting in fights at the bar, then he was kind of an accused criminal. At least he was for as long as it used to take for his grandpa the banker to help the charges to go away.

    Since Candy usually didn't think Biff was a criminal that generally saved on the paperwork.

    For not the last time Officer Cleetus reminded Biff and Candy that just because Biff was third cousin twice removed with the Prosecuting Attorney that sooner or later Biff's luck could run out! He'd best repent and go to church on Sunday. When Officer Cephus asked if they all thought they could try harder next time Biff and Candy agreed there wouldn't be a next time.

    On the way to their next call Officer Cepus mentioned we would suggest to his brother Pastor Jeb to include something about husbands and wives working together instead of stirring the pot in his Sunday sermon. That way Candy would get the message for sure, and if Biff went maybe he'd get it thru his thick head too.

    Then they headed down the road to the office so they could turn in some paperwork and then stop by the Waffle House. Unless they had another domestic call to smooth over before they ordered.

  3. Dorothy Fulks, Webb City, MO10:07 PM

    "Unfortunately, Democrats refused to work with Republicans on infrastructure during the Trump Administration but I’m hopeful that they will be more amenable to a compromise after January 20, 2021."

    If you mean what you are saying here about working together and compromising, Rep Long, you have got to quit saying things like the above quote from your statement.

    Leave party politics out of it--whatever it is. If you mean any part of what you said, it has to be about country or Missouri or even Southwest Missouri, but not about Democrats and or Republicans, both of which reside in your district. Believe me, there is plenty of blame to go around. (We could talk about how many times you and your cohorts voted against the Affordable Care Act, with nothing to replace it and knowing full well those votes were party, just-for-show politics.)

    I appreciate what you are proposing, but you'd have more credibility if you didn't give yourself away as not being there yet in your own statement.

  4. Anonymous9:14 AM

    SO far as I can tell Billy has NEVER had any public criticism for the policies and actions of President Donald Trump or the Republican Party.

    Either that's because Congressman Billy Long quietly has criticized President Trump in a non public way and hidden that from the public and his voters or more likely Congressman Billy Long doesn't see anything warranting any criticism.

    Soon it will be a time to see what Congressman Billy Long is really made of. That will arrive when the warrants start landing on Republican congressional staffers and likely at least few Republican elected officials for providing material support and assistance to the January 6 Republican plot which so far has left 6 dead.

  5. Anonymous1:10 PM

    Let's not forget Rep Billy Long was one of the 126 congressional Republicans who signed on to the Big Lie when he signed on to the Texas Attorney General's petition (or whatever it was) to have the Supreme Court hold up Pennsylvania's election results.

    If you want to work together, want reconciliation, Rep Long, repeat after me:

    "Biden/Harris won the 2020 election, fair and square. The election was not rigged nor was it stolen."

    Start by telling the truth and then keep on telling the truth. And stop with the party politics. We all know you are a Republican, but your oath is to the Constitution, not the Republican party (or Donald Trump).

  6. Anonymous2:52 PM

    I just realized that Billy Long appears to have done a major cleanup on his twitter.


    Guess what Billy- not only do some people save your tweets in various ways so the have the receipts...there a website that does this automatically!

    Lets see what kind of frothy right wing nutjob tweets and retweets he he's deleted:
