Wednesday, January 06, 2021

Billy Long: What happened at the Capitol Building is disgraceful

(From Seventh District Congressman Billy Long)

What happened at the Capitol Building is disgraceful and completely unacceptable and I condemn the actions of those involved,” said Rep. Billy Long. 

“I commend the brave men and women of the United States Capitol Police, the Washington Metropolitan Police and the officers of the various federal agencies that assisted in restoring order in the Capitol and keeping Members of Congress and their staff safe.”

“I was at the Capitol only briefly this morning, long before any of this started, and did not witness anything unfold in person. My staff and I are safe, and I am urging people to leave the Capitol complex calmly and peacefully and to comply with the Mayor’s 6 p.m. curfew.”


  1. Anonymous8:16 PM

    Gosh Billy!

    I was worried!

    I saw this Washington DC wingnut riot and attempted loser coup on my teveee!

    It's like you did a mashup of The Brooks Brother's riot with Breaking Bad, but they were all traveling to the coup on the shortbus!

    Good thing you weren't there and didn't have to crawl under your desk. Can you even fit? It's not like you suspected the president might gin up some sort of ruckus with his supporters? You know, to disrupt the Senate's constitutional business? Right? Who could have known something like this would happen when he kept tweeting the demonstration today would be wild?? Certainly not you. Right?

    Remember to stay safe because Trump's covid pandemic is killing a lot of people! He said it was fifteen cases soon to be zero and it's all under control, sometime back in March. How's that coming? Haven't heard anything from him on that lately, have you?

    Also be sure not to get any of that Trump Stank on you unless you have a bar of Fel's Naptha handy! I hear Trump Stank is like calf scours to get out of your work clothes! Know what I mean?

  2. Like who told them to go there and commit sedition or those that bother you, you pathetic pos.

  3. Anonymous10:09 AM

    Hey Billy Blob!! What do you suppose your wretched orange fascist meant when he told the traitorous Proud Boys to "Stand back and stand by"? He wasn't talking about your favorite buffet. He had this planned and incited this riot. You seditious hog.

  4. Anonymous10:57 AM

    Thoughts and prayers for Billy Long!

    An area man who could be his brother from another mother has been arrested by the feds!

    Gravette, Arkansas yall!

    Was it for taking Billy's mail from Nancy Pelosi's office?

    Post up your pictures of the gun nutter and possible mail stealer (Will him leaving a quarter help prove intent?) and local pols like Billy if you got 'em!

    Whjen's Billy's next fundraiser?

    I'll send a quarter postage due so Billy can remain fed up!

  5. Anonymous9:42 AM

    Where was Billy? Wasn't congress in session?
