Sunday, January 10, 2021

Blunt says Trump will behave between now and January 20

Sen. Roy Blunt, R-MO says there is no need for President Donald Trump to be removed from office before his term comes to an end on January 20.

During an interview this morning on Face the Nation, Blunt said the country would hold Trump accountable.

"Now, my personal view is that the president touched the hot stove on Wednesday and is unlikely to touch it again," Blunt said.

"And if that's the case, I think- we- we get- every day, we get closer to the last day of his presidency. We should be thinking more about the first day of the next presidency than the last day of his presidency, in my view. And I'll be there on that day as the chairman of that event seeing the new president sworn in."

Blunt said he did not believe the president would be removed from office by impeachment.

("T)he impeachment of the president, to remove him from office clearly is not going to happen between now and the last day he's in office."

Face the Nation moderator Margaret Brennan followed up by asking Blunt if he thought Trump had committed an impeachable offense.

He avoided answering the question.

"I don't think there's any- that's not really the question. The question is--"

Brennan interrupted, "That's my question."

"--is there any- is there any- well, I'm giving you my answer. Is there any likelihood that he could possibly be removed between now and January the 20th? And if there's no additional ensuing event my- my belief is there is no possibility of that."


  1. Anonymous10:28 PM

    Perhaps we need to impeach Trump's sorry ass after he leaves office?

    SO he can't run in 20204?

    And loses his pension?

    I hear some people think he'll be one broke ass bastard after he leaves office. After all those people he borrowed money from want to be paid back and cut him off from future loans because his prospects are as dim as his supporters.

    What do you think about that Senator Blunt Tool?

    Will you be so eager to not have any opinion about Trump after he has left office?

    Or are you just a yellow dog? Maybe scared of Trump's deplorables? Or the big money political pimps that backed him?

  2. Anonymous5:25 AM

    You are still grinning like the cat eating the mouse. Really, you equate our president idiot to a child which everyone one of any intelligence has been telling you the last 5 years. Don't you think it is time to be an adult and vote to impeach the clown you have been supporting all these years as unfit. As a further note it is time to invoke the 14th Amendment on Hawley and get rid of the Greiten want a be and get some kind of adult in that position. Further it is time for Parsons to apologize for his backing the orange haired numbskull. In fact it is time for the republican party to look back to the mid-90's and realize the playbook you have using is screwed (Army term FUBAR) up and needs to have a coming to Jesus moment of inspection. You are pawns and handles of the Nazi/Communist movement

  3. Anonymous12:48 PM

    Roy Blunt coddles republican traitors and seditionists who back Trump.

    Roy Blunt coddles MAGA criminals who back Trump.

    Roy Blunt coddles Qanon conspiracy kooks who back Trump.

    Roy Blunt wouldn't recognize a spine if he saw one.

  4. Anonymous2:48 PM

    Newton County voted 80-some percent for Trump as opposed to 19.+ percent for the Pretender Senile Joe. So it looks like Randy Turner's Blog is the virtual home of the "Never-Ever Trumpers" which is fine. Might as well have them in this virtual outhouse along the [Mis]Information Stupor-Highway all in one place.

    The problem is that the supporters of the God-Emperor outnumber the Establishment Republicans In Name Only like Roy Blunt, who can get plenty of money from the Libertarian Plutocrats like David Humphrey and the Koch Bros but has no real enthusiasm albeit monitary support here in Southwest Missouri.

    I see Claire McCaskill running against Josh Hawley in 2024 if there is a country left and while Hawley wins the primary loses in the general election, now that Trump is over and done with.

  5. Anonymous3:29 PM

    >>>while Hawley wins the primary loses in the general election, now that Trump is over and done with.

    That's exactly why Roy Blunt and Mitch McConnell's corporate and rich donor owners will instruct that corporate Republicans back the quick ouster of Senator Hawley. If that happens then Governor Parson can appoint a republican who will be an incumbent at the next election and not subjected to a challenge by the rabid faction in a primary. This ensures a not insane Republican candidate who can win a general election in Redder than Russia Missouri.
