Thursday, January 07, 2021

Globe, Geoff Caldwell come down hard on assault on Capitol Building

The editorial page of today's Joplin Globe comes down hard on the protesters who stormed the U. S. Capitol Building Wednesday.

The page included a Globe editorial, which cited quotes from former Sen. John Danforth, former President George W. Bush and Sen. Roy Blunt, plus a syndicated column by conservative columnist George Will that levels the blame on President Trump, and senators Josh Hawley and Ted Cruz for inciting the lawless activity and a letter to the editor by Gerard Attoun of Joplin calling for the 25th Amendment to be invoked and Trump removed.

The most surprising element on the page was a lengthy column by blogger Geoff Caldwell, Joplin, whose ultra right wing commentary has been a Sunday fixture in the Globe for years.

Caldwell commended the reaction of President-Elect Joe Biden and provided a verbal slap in the face to the president whose policies Caldwell has praised in his columns:

I disagree with Joe Biden and his party’s politics, but it was he — not the president of the United States — who first came out with a statement against the assault on our Capitol.

It was he who said: “The scenes of chaos at the Capitol do not reflect a true America, do not represent who we are. ... I call on this mob to pull back and allow democracy to go forward.”

And it was sadly and pathetically the 45th president of these United States who muttered: “I know your pain, I know your hurt. We had an election that was stolen from us, especially the other side, but you have to go home now."

Thankfully, Globe editors appeared to have made a conscious decision not to fall into the trap of feeling they had to provide one column that supported what happened in the Capitol Building in the name of balance.

If someone wants to write a column supporting the kind of criminal assault on democracy that occurred Wednesday, let that person take his or her message elsewhere.

It has no place in the area's newspaper of record.


  1. You are a damn JOKE! Where was this article when your BLM friends burned and looted DC last summer?

  2. Anonymous10:14 AM

    Will the Globe get a chance to cover the arrests of any Four Corners participants in the Trump induced mob riot at the US Capitol?

    Here's one possibility- the Four Corners wingnut goober who apparently lifted a piece of Billy Long's mail from Nancy Pelosi's office:

  3. Anonymous10:39 AM

    Rushman, doesn't fit his agenda typical demorat.

  4. Anonymous1:11 PM

    Which Rush does your name come from Rushman?

    The Rush 'Dominican Viagra' one?

    Or the Rush '2,000 painkillers, prescribed by four doctors in six months, at a pharmacy near his Palm Beach mansion' one?

  5. Anonymous1:49 PM

    Awww... Rushman and 10:39 think BLM activists and looters are the same thing.

    He guys, why were there police in riot gear to stop black people, but not white people?

  6. Anonymous2:28 PM

    Rushman, I am concerned about radical domestic terrorism as well, including Antifa. I am unaware of any riot this summer where a single protester infiltrated our capital, let alone during our transition of power. This wasn't vandalizing and invading a business or police station, but rather the symbol of our democracy. Little Round Top at Gettysburg saved Confederate soldiers from storming our capital. Yesterday, the flag of the Confederacy as well as those representing Donald J Trump one-upped the Confederacy. I'm not proud.

  7. Anonymous3:01 PM

    Yeah, let's talk about BLM. What if Black people had overrun the Capitol? It would have been a bloodbath. Compared to that, what the white folks got was a love tap. One Capitol cop even posed for a selfie with a rioter.

    And let's cut the bullshit about "Blue Lives Matter" and "Back the Blue." This crowd ATTACKED peace officers. Disobeyed their commands. Stole and ransacked. One cop was called a "traitor" for doing his job. There were traitors there, but the cop wasn't one of them.

  8. Anonymous8:09 PM

    Reports have it that El Rushbo aka Rush Limbaugh is still terminally ill.

    The best I can do is as far as thoughts and prayers for him is to wish that he lives long enough to see Donald Trump impeached and criminally indicted for his crimes.

  9. Anonymous8:55 PM

    "Ultra-Right Wing"??? He's mainstream, rather milquetoast actually.
