Friday, January 08, 2021

Hartzer: After violence, I considered withdrawing objection, but need for election integrity had not changed

(By Fourth District Congresswoman Vicky Hartzler)

This week was one for the history books depicting both the best of America and the worst of America. The worst was depicted by a deplorable attack on Capitol Hill this past Wednesday - not by outside enemies but by some of our own citizens. The best is shown by the heroism of Capitol Police, law enforcement, and our National Guard who put their own lives at risk to save ours.

After several hours the mob was finally cleared from the Capitol, the perimeter was secured, an initial clean up done, and we continued on our Constitutional duties. 

The disgusting behavior we saw is not representative of what we stand for as a nation. This is thuggery; it is disgusting; and violators must be punished to the fullest extent allowed under federal law.

Election Certification Vote

When order was restored, as representatives of the people, Congress still needed to finish evaluating state electors to determine if they were fairly seated according to the Constitution and, if so, to certify the votes for President and Vice President. We had begun this process earlier in the day but had been interrupted by the protestors.

I considered withdrawing my objections, but determined, despite the traumatic events of the day and controversial statements by the president, the need to ensure election integrity had not changed, and the concerns regarding unconstitutional actions by state officials contrary to state law had not been washed away because protestors, many of whom supported President Trump, stormed the Capitol. 

Therefore, I objected to the certification of electors chosen from states that blatantly violated their own election laws in the hope action will be taken to stop these illegal actions and every voter in the future, no matter their political party or which candidate they are supporting, will have confidence in their vote.

Congress Certifies President-elect Biden’s Election

In the end Congress fulfilled our hallowed duty. We received the state elector vote certificates, thoroughly debated objections to some state's electors, and voted.

Ultimately, Joe Biden was certified as President-elect. I accept this reality and commit to working with him, Vice President-elect Harris, and my colleagues to move America forward. I welcome the President-elect's pledge to work for all Americans and will hold him to I that pledge

There is much opportunity to find common ground and Americans are facing many challenges that need to be addressed. They deserve representatives who work together towards finding solutions. That is what I will do - not compromising principles or supporting harmful proposals but finding areas of common ground while advocating for the solutions and values held dear by the people of Missouri’s 4th District.


  1. Anonymous7:34 PM

    Republicans attempted a coup.

    The violent mob were Republican supporters of Trump.

    They were incited by Donald J. Trump, our incumbent Republican President to march on the Capitol and fight.

    They unlawfully disrupted Congress in an attempt to thwart an election that Loser Trump lost.

    They were supported by seditious Republican Senators and seditious Republican Representatives who aided and abetted the attempted coup while coordinating and fundraising with fellow Republicans.

    Those elected Republicans violated their oath to protect and defend the Constitution.

    At this point Republicans are irredeemable. They cannot be trusted with our Republic, they tried to destroy it Wednesday.

    There is a reason we have laws.

    There is a reason we have US Attorneys.

    There is a reason we have federal courts.

    There is a reason we have federal prisons.

    It is long past time to start locking these rebel @$$holes up!

  2. Anonymous8:15 PM

  3. Anonymous4:43 AM

    You like to play games with the likes of Trump and this is not a game. You want games go join the military, carry a 80 lb pack, go unbathed for days, ration your water and food, crawl through dust and then you might be worthy of being a representative. Now you are a aXX licking minion of an idiot that cannot be trusted to be where he is even for 11 more days.

  4. Anonymous9:04 AM

    Vicky Hartzler appears to be either tone deaf and stupid or a proud card carrying member Of President Trump's Hillbilly Benghazi Qanon mafia crew.

    She could be a fool, she could be the wannabe dictator's useful tool.

    She could be both at the same time.

    The same analysis probably applies to a significant number of her deplorable voters.

  5. Anonymous11:24 AM

    The persistent failure of Republicans great and small to recognize in any way how Trump is a threat to the GOP and the nation has been on display for years.

    This inability to recognize the threat could be due to their own participation in being a part of the same threat to party and nation that Trump is.

    Donald Trump and family are the modern GOP equally as much as the modern GOP are Trump and his family.

  6. Anonymous6:36 AM

    You are going to spend the rest of your time in Congress on the Sewage Treatment Committee Vicky. Best to resign now rather than face the ire of the voters in two very short years.

  7. What we now know!8:31 AM

    Unfortunately for many here in Missouri is we find ourselves with representation that would rather do their bosses bidding than represent the great people of this state. Unfortunately Hartley along with Jason and Hawley will go down on the wrong side of history. As with the Tories in 1776 their loyalty and support for their king will ultimately render them insignificant.
    They do not represent the true Republicans, the true conservatives, The big umbrella party of Lincoln and Regan but rather a small group who see their own significance vested with that of their leader.
    With what we now know it is time to move forward, to get past these people, to restore integrity to the party, our state, and our Country! We must begin to look for quality primary challengers and speak with our votes!
