Saturday, January 09, 2021

Jason Smith: 99.9 percent of those who came to Washington came with peace in their hearts

(By Eighth District Congressman Jason Smith)

Martin Luther King, Jr., once said that “Peace is not merely a distant goal that we seek, but a means by which we arrive at that goal.”

Over the past year, we have seen violent protests spread throughout our country, and over and over, those who committed violence were not held accountable. 

In fact, when the statue of Christopher Columbus was torn down this past summer in Baltimore, Speaker Nancy Pelosi shrugged it off as “people will do what they do.”

This lack of accountability undoubtedly contributed to the shameful display this week in the United States Capitol building.

This past Wednesday, January 6th, Congress was prepared to have a debate and present the facts to the American people on an issue that is essential to our Republic, the integrity of our elections.

What happened instead was myself and fellow Members of Congress spent the day having barricades being overrun by a violent mob, windows smashed in our faces, and guns had to be drawn to protect a historic building that has been an institution of this country for over two hundred years. This should never have happened – and it must not be allowed to happen again.

I want to tell you what I saw – not on the news, but with my own eyes.

As we were beginning the process on the Motion to Object to Arizona’s Electoral College vote, I was on the floor of the House of Representatives to witness and participate in what should have been a historic debate. 

Soon after, we started to hear loud noises coming from directly outside the House Floor. The noises became louder and angrier. 

Glass was broken and tear gas had to be administered to prevent rioters from breaking down the doors. Capitol police instructed us to put on gas masks in order to breathe as the mob had now breached the doors.

We now know that one officer lost his life in this chaos.

Gunshots followed and with all of the chaos, we had no idea where they were coming from or who was shooting. Standing with three other Members of Congress, we had to act quick and hide behind the chairs in the House Chamber.

In that moment all we could do was duck for cover and pray.

I stayed on the House floor as one of my closest friends in Congress explained to the rioters that the US Capitol Police were ready to carry out their obligation to protect public servants and the people’s house.

As one of the last Members on the House Floor, the only decision left was to get out. As it became apparent that the perpetrators were about to converge, a young woman was shot no more than 25 yards from me. I had to walk past her body as brave officers worked frantically to get innocent people to safety.

We secured an exit in a stairwell moments before the violent mob took over the House Floor. The Capitol Police brought us out and once I made my way back to the office, I was informed where the closest firearm was and locked our doors.

The question I keep coming back to is how was this mob able to storm through the doors of one of the most secure buildings in the country?

It was no secret that a large number of people were coming to Washington to exercise their First Amendment rights, 99.9% of whom came with peace in their hearts. My day started with meeting nearly 200 people that I represent who took a bus from Farmington and drove 16 hours to be a part of history on an issue that was near and dear to their hearts.

But in a time when tensions are high, the actions of a few silenced the many.

What protocols were in place to protect those who peaceably assembled? How about public servants and people in direct line in the succession to the Presidency to preserve our Republic?

These questions have left a haunting presence in these halls and must be answered in order for our country to move forward.

A complete breakdown of communication and safety preparation led to the world watching the suspension of our democracy. This is unacceptable.

As I’m writing this, the House and Senate Sergeant of Arms and the U.S. Capitol Police Chief have resigned for their failure of leadership. But more must be done.

It is imperative that we bring the perpetrators of this week’s violence to justice. In June, President Trump issued an Executive Order that provides criminals 10 years in prison for desecrating Federal property. I feel as strongly now as I did then that these acts of vandalism and unlawfulness are not patriotic, they’re criminal.

Violent activity must no longer be allowed to go unpunished.

The right to free assembly, established by the Framers of our Constitution, must never be infringed upon and we as elected Representatives must ensure that right is upheld. The People’s House is an institution of law and order, not violent protest.


  1. Anonymous7:06 PM

    This is beyond offensive.

    What a sad Trump toady.

  2. Anonymous7:26 PM

    Pretty sure it was a lot less than 99.9

  3. Anonymous7:44 PM

    After Capitol Hill Police Officer Brian Sicknick was murdered during Wednesday's insurrection by Trump supporters at the U.S. Capitol, Vice President Mike Pence and Speaker Nancy Pelosi called his grieving family to offer their condolences.

    However, Trump did not offer his condolences.

    "President Trump has not ordered the flags on federal buildings to fly at half-staff in honor of Brian D. Sicknick, a police officer who was killed after trying to fend off pro-Trump loyalists during the siege at the Capitol on Wednesday," The New York Times reported Saturday. "While the flags at the Capitol have been lowered, Mr. Trump has not issued a similar order for federal buildings under his control. A White House spokeswoman did not respond to a request for comment."

    The newspaper also reported, "The president and the vice president have not spoken since Wednesday morning, before the riot unfolded, an administration official said."

  4. Anonymous7:53 PM

    Invoking Martin Luther King in this won't go over well.

    Not with anyone with half a brain or conscience.

    Especially not with the dangerous Trumper conspiracy supporters who invaded the Capitol.

    That was a sedition driven lynch mob bent on political assassination.

    They even had a gallows.

    I suppose Jason being one of them makes it harder for him to recognize the rest of them.

  5. Dorothy Fulks, Webb City1:36 AM

    That mob was there because you, Jason Smith, along with over 100 of your fellow Republicans in the House, a dozen in the Senate, and especially Donald Trump lied to them over and over and over again about the results of the election.

    The election was not rigged. That is a lie Trump started telling long before the election was even held. The election was not stolen. It is a lie to ever say it was.

    Trump lost the election; Biden won. To say otherwise is a lie. And if you don't know it to be a lie, you lack the curiosity and intelligence be representing the people of Southeast Missouri in our federal government.

    The certification of the Electoral College vote conducted by Congress was never going to be stopped by the actions of either that mob or the grandstanding of you and your Republican cohorts. What you and your fellow objectors did was for show. To represent it as anything else was and is a lie.

    Trump's speech was obviously not designed or delivered to put "peace" in anyone's heart who listened to it. Anyone who stood in the cold for an hour and ten minutes listening to it and then took their "peaceful hearts" on to the Capitol with that mob leading the way or surrounding them, were either duped or fools. If they were innocent, they were used by people who were not innocent either by their intent or their deeds. Stop lying, Representative Jason Smith.

  6. Anonymous6:30 AM

    Bend over and kiss your traitorous arse goodbye Jason. You have won your last election. You might want to enroll in barber college.

  7. Anonymous7:01 AM

    Smith like Trump has no conscience when it comes to our democracy, just in it for the money. Amazing how they start believing their own lies and the lies of der Fuehrer. Go to Russia with your defunct boss leader and kiss Putin for letting you in

  8. What we now know8:08 AM

    Unfortunately for Jason his math does not add up. There were about 30000 people at the pro-Trump rally in DC on January 6th. With those numbers 99.9 percent peacefully would mean that only 30 traitors resorted to terroristic acts on that day. We know now that at least 80 have been arrested or are in Hiding. Now Jason may be using a different crowd size. That has been an ongoing trick of the power players, but it has been verified that false photos were used to make the crowds look bigger and the actual number is esti.ated at 30000.

  9. Anonymous3:17 PM


    Trump rioter caught on video sobbing 'they called me a terrorist' after being put on 'no-fly' list

    Domestic terrorists who broke into US Capitol are crying because they’re on no fly list

  10. Anonymous4:36 PM

    Jason needs to look at this and then be sure all his associates know!

    You snooze you lose!

  11. Anonymous10:59 PM



    Trump rioter caught on video sobbing 'they called me a terrorist' after being put on 'no-fly' list

    Domestic terrorists who broke into US Capitol are crying because they’re on no fly list

  12. Anonymous10:06 AM

    5:30, I'd love to agree, but Smith's statement probably bought him votes. I imagine Trump commands enough support around these parts to get Smith, Ben Baker and Billy Long re-elected. The politicians are only the symptom of the problem, not the source,
