Monday, January 25, 2021

Josh Hawley: Biden and his woke mob are coming after me- send me money

Sen. Josh Hawley, R-MO continues to scramble in the aftermath of the January 6 attack on the Capitol Building.

As usual, despite the deaths of five people, Hawley sees himself as the victim and, as usual, he is asking for money.

In his latest pitch, which was e-mailed today, the senator continues to claim he was only representing the voice of his constituents, pushing off his own actions on people who did not have the facts at their disposal, something which Hawley certainly did.

The subject line to the e-mail is "They're After Me" and apparently, "they" are also after Hawley's family since he added the accompanying photo to the e-mail.

Hawley promises he will not back down. That's fine, but unfortunately, he does not promise he will shut up.

The text of the e-mail is printed below:

Dear Fellow American,

When conservatives across Missouri and our country saw what happened in our most recent elections - and the political class’s reluctance to give their own voters a hearing - I objected to the certification of the electoral college votes in Pennsylvania, despite pressure from both Democrats and Republicans.

Pennsylvania wasn’t following their own state’s election law, but the establishment didn’t want to hear it. But that’s not who I work for. I objected because I wanted to make sure your voice was heard.

Now, Biden and his woke mob are coming after me. I need your help.


Before Biden even took office, he shamefully targeted me for voicing my concerns by comparing me to a Nazi. He went even farther saying I should be “flat beaten.” Talking heads in the media were also calling for my resignation, and “keyboard warriors” on Twitter were calling me a terrorist.

Well, I have a message for them and for every special interest that wants me to shut up and ignore the truth: I will not back down.

I ran for Senate with a promise to protect American values, not corporate greed or woke mobs. The challenges we face won’t be easy, but we have something more important than special interests or Hollywood cash - we have a desire to protect our future.

If we do not stand up to the radical left we will get four years of lies, censorship, and America-last policies.

Stop the radicals

Biden and his allies will continue to lob attacks at us and try to silence us, and the media and Big Tech have already shown they’re on board. That means it’s up to us, the people, to stand up for our own rights. Please, join me in defending this land of opportunity and preserving our values for generations of Americans to come.


  1. Anonymous12:15 PM

    Times are hard all over.

    If the Hawley family is having a difficult time getting by on the $174,000 Senate salary then perhaps they need to make some adjustments so they can live within their means.

    They could switch to less expensive toilet paper and buy store brand canned goods.

  2. Anonymous2:38 PM

    I understand this is blog and is not operating as a unbiased piece of journalism. However, find me one politician who wouldn't be doing the same thing.

  3. Anonymous4:36 PM

    Wouldn't it be wonderful, if people would stop hating? The liberal left finally got what they wanted, and they still aren't happy, they are still just full of hate.
    How sad for them.

  4. Anonymous8:57 PM

    @ 2:38 Exactly. Every single politician (especially at the Fed. level) uses everything possible to fundraise. D or R or I or S(Bernie) THEY ALL DO IT! Hawley is just the fascist left's new whipping boy, because he did the same thing that multiple Dem. Sens. and Reps. have done EVERY time a Repub. is elected. '00, '04 and '16.

  5. Anonymous9:53 AM

    Josh seems to think it's against constitutional principles to say that he's a vainglorious fascist right wing nutjob who helped incite an insurrection to overturn an election.

    In actuality, people saying that is free speech, and is exactly how the first amendment is supposed to work.

    And he still needs your money!

  6. Anonymous10:00 AM

    I'm a MO taxpayer. I'm one of the people who pays his salary. He's supposed to represent me and the rest of MO. He ain't doing it. He's catering to a minority to set up his run for Pres. Not on my time, buster. Get back to work.

  7. Anonymous10:40 AM

    Except most of them do not incite people to storm the capitol and damage things that will cost us/me money to repair instead of it going for food, shelter or healthcare for needy citizens out of work due to Congress being stupid and egotistical.

  8. Anonymous4:06 PM

    FYI The "fascist left" doesn't exist. Fascism is a governing philosophy that exists on the far right side of the political spectrum.

  9. Anonymous9:04 PM

    What incitement? He nor the President said anything that could be construed to foment insurrection, absurd. If that was a true insurrection, wouldn't they have been armed? And no, buffalo boy's spear doesn't count. What the Democrats are claiming that the protestors were trying to do would have been absolutely impossible without firearms. Just a bunch of yahoos caught up in the moment.

  10. Anonymous11:18 PM

    Fascism, communism, and socialism are three separate governing philosophies. Plotted on a graph, it goes like this:

    Far Left Political Middle Far Right
    Communism Socialism Fascism

    Also, there are different types of socialism,such as the democratic socialism of Great Britain and some other European countries. Fascism was the governing philosophy of Hitler, Mussolini, and Spain's Francisco Franco.
