Sunday, January 03, 2021

Josh Hawley: I'm objecting to certification of electoral college votes- send me money

Does it come as any surprise that Sen. Josh Hawley is attempting to use his "principled" decision to object to certification of electoral votes to raise money for his campaign (whether that be for re-election to the Senate, or heaven help us, for president).

Hawley sent the following e-mail solicitation earlier today:

On January 6th, I will be objecting during the certification process of the Electoral College because Americans deserve election integrity, and several states — notably Pennsylvania — did not follow their own state election laws.

The D.C. establishment is not standing up for the people they serve, and they are pressuring me to stay quiet as well. But I was elected to represent hardworking Missourians in the U.S. Senate. I will not bow down to career politicians in Washington.

You, along with 75 million other Americans, have the right to be heard! Will you join me in this effort?

This past election made it clear that now is the time for more clarity in our electoral process. You have the right to have assurance that your vote matters!

Now, more than ever, we need accountability in our ballot counting process and the right to have the confidence that our elections have integrity.

Please consider donating today.

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