Friday, January 22, 2021

Seven U. S. Senators call for ethics probe of Josh Hawley

By Ariana Figueroa

WASHINGTON—Seven U.S. Senate Democrats on Thursday urged the chamber’s ethics panel to look into Sen. Josh Hawley’s unsubstantiated claims of voter fraud in connection with the deadly assault on the U.S. Capitol earlier this month.

The Democrats also want a similar probe of Texas Republican Sen. Ted Cruz’s actions and the Jan. 6 mob attack.

“Senators Ted Cruz and Josh Hawley lent legitimacy to President Trump’s false statements about election fraud by announcing that they would object to the certification of electors on January 6,” according to the Thursday letter.

The Democrats said Hawley and Cruz’s objections to the certification of Electoral College votes declaring Joe Biden the winner helped perpetuate the falsehood that the presidential election was stolen.

“The question the Senate must answer is not whether Senators Hawley and Cruz had the right to the object to the electors, but whether the senators failed to “put loyalty to the highest moral principles and to country above loyalty to persons, party, or Government department” or engaged in “improper conduct reflecting on the Senate” in connection with the violence on January 6,” the senators wrote.

They said the committee should fully investigate the senators’ conduct to fully understand their role.

As Congress was set to ratify the Electoral College votes, President Donald Trump held a rally blocks from the Capitol and said without evidence that the election was stolen and encouraged his supporters to “fight like Hell” and march on the Capitol. Five people died in the mayhem, including a U.S. Capitol Police officer, and dozens of police officers were injured.

Hawley was photographed outside the Capitol that day pumping his fist and giving his support to the pro-Trump crowd contesting the validity of the presidential election.

The seven Senate Democrats who signed the letter are Tim Kaine of Virginia, Sheldon Whitehouse of Rhode Island, Tina Smith of Minnesota, Richard Blumenthal of Connecticut, Mazie Hirono of Hawai’i, Ron Wyden of Oregon and Sherrod Brown of Ohio.

The senators also want the Select Committee on Ethics to investigate any fundraising methods that Cruiz and Hawley used by objecting to the Electoral College vote. Hours after the insurrection, Cruz and Hawley sent fundraising messages, touting their efforts to challenge the presidential election.

If the committee finds Hawley and Cruz at fault, the committee will determine the punishment.

Hawley said in a statement that Democrats are attempting to silence him with the ethics complaint.

“This latest effort is a flagrant abuse of the Senate ethics process and a flagrant attempt to exact partisan revenge,” he said. “Missourians will not be cancelled by these partisan attacks.”

Ariana Figueroa covers the nation's capital for States Newsroom, a network of state-based nonprofit news outlets that includes The Missouri Independent. Her areas of coverage include politics and policy, lobbying, elections and campaign finance. Before joining States Newsroom, Ariana covered public health and chemical policy on Capitol Hill for E&E News. As a Florida native, she's worked for the Miami Herald and her hometown paper, the Tampa Bay Times. Her work has also appeared in the Chicago Tribune and NPR. She is a graduate of the University of Florida.


  1. Anonymous10:59 AM

    No, the demos do not want to silence you, they just want you to behave in a ethical and rational manner for the position you were elected to provide guidance as dictated by the Constitution. You are a child who has dabbled in false narratives, followed corrupt leaders and governors and are a total disgrace to good law abiding Missouri citizens. Wait, you fit in perfectly with Long, Graves and the rest of our republican clowns.

  2. Anonymous1:31 PM

    No, the demos just want everyone to believe just like they do so they can continue to ruin our Country and rake in $ for themselves.

  3. Anonymous2:24 PM

    Democrats on an ethics panel or committee.... that's an oxymoron

  4. Anonymous2:27 PM

    ^^^^ hahahahahahahahaha

  5. Anonymous9:38 AM

    Lots of tRUMP's UhmerryCACAns cgecking in here lately!

    It's easy to spot them.

    Fact free and loving their seditious to their core.

  6. Anonymous10:06 PM

    The 2020 Election was fraudulent and now we are under a coup like any other third-world nation. Hawley was perfectly within his duties to challenge the fraud in the Senate. In fact Missouri should have had their junior Senator draft up Articles of Secession and let the big cities in the Blue States try to live without us.

    Your blog has certainly gone downhill the past few months.
