Saturday, April 10, 2021

Ash Grove Republican unhappy with prescription monitoring bill, Biden's executive orders on guns

(From Sen. Mike Moon, R-Ash Grove)

Recently, President Biden announced his intent to place further restrictions on gun ownership by issuing executive orders. 

Well, Mr. Biden, please let it be known: Article I, section 1 of the U.S. Constitution states, “All legislative authority is vested in a congress, which shall consist of a senate and house of representatives.”

Mr. President, according to the U.S. Constitution (which you swore an oath to support) only the congress can make law; not the president; not the courts; and, not agencies of the government. Any Executive Order issued by you does not carry the full force and effect of law – PERIOD!

Now, if only the several states will (proverbially) grow a spine, stand erect upon their own two feet, and oppose any effort(s) to usurp their authority. (Here’s a suggestion to the several states: read and understand Article I, section 8 of the U.S. Constitution.) In addition, the states should also be ready to stand on the authority of the X Amendment of the United States Constitution.

So, where will Missouri stand when it comes to protecting the God-given rights of her citizens? I’ll tell you this: I will not stand down and allow unlawful attempts to emasculate our ability to protect ourselves and our families!

On that note, two bills are making their way through the Missouri legislature. HB (House Bill) 85 in now in the Senate. SB (Senate Bill) 39 is still awaiting debate in the Senate. There is still time to pass SAPA in this session.

Please contact your county sheriff to ask their position on each of the bills.


The PDMP (Prescription Drug Management Program) passed the MO Senate recently. Following a near eight-hour debate, the bill was perfected (a true misnomer) – even though, the bill sponsor was made aware of flaws in the bill.

First, due to letters sent to about 8,000 physicians in 2018 (by the Greiten’s administration), doctors who treat patients who suffer from chronic pain became concerned that they might lose their ability to practice medicine. The letters “threatened” doctors with the potential of being brought before the Board of Healing Arts for sanctioning and/or losing their ability to prescribe needed medicines for their patients.

This is outrageous! Government (and, in this particular case, a Governor) attempts to flex their proverbial muscle by implementing regulations on areas they literally have no expertise. In this case, the result was causing undue harm to chronic pain patients.

One of the primary reasons for implementing a PDMP was to stop “Dr. Shopping” (when persons who want to acquire more prescription medicines than necessary seek out multiple physicians in hope of obtaining the drugs – specifically opioids). I should note that “Dr. Shopping” is attributed to approximately 2.3% of the drug abuse problem.
In order to control “Dr. Shopping,” does it not make sense to require doctors to participate in the PDMP? I say, “YES!”

Well, here’s the “skinny:” Physicians are not required under the provisions of the Missouri bill recently passed by the Senate. The reason, Physicians do not want to be required to participate. So, if a PDMP becomes law in Missouri and the doctors are not required to participate, what’s the purpose?

In addition, although 49 states have PDMPs, the abuse (and deaths) related to opioid drug abuse has continued to rise. According to reports, the reason for the continued rise is due to illicit (illegal) fentanyl). The illegal fentanyl is manufactured in mass quantities in China and Mexico. These are not prescribed by doctors and PDMPs will not control the drugs.

The real losers, if the PDMP becomes law in Missouri: Missouri citizens. Additionally, the PDMP creates yet another database. Remember the CCW data shared with the federal government in 2013? Well, consider this: if the PDMP is passed, our personal data will likely be shared with the federal government (I recently obtained confirmation from the Senate Appropriations chairman that Missouri received federal grant money in exchange for prescription information on individual Missourians – a program President Trump created.)

So, with this exchange of information, what would stop a government bent on taking away our right to own guns from using the PDMP data against us? Psychotropic drug use will be in the PDMP database (are you following this line of reasoning?). There may come a day in the not too distant future where this PDMP data will be used to disarm law-abiding citizens.

Please, call your Missouri Representative and tell them to “kill” the PDMP!


Should Missouri lawmakers follow the law when creating laws?
For nearly eight years now, I’ve been told that in order to get a law passed, bills must be amended (even though this process will likely violate the MO Constitution). Since time is short, “it’s the only way your bill will pass,” they say.
say, “BOLOGNA!”

Article III, sections 21 and 23 state clearly the requirements of passing laws in our state. I encourage you to become familiar with these sections. And, more importantly, hold your elected officials accountable. If you don’t get involved, who will?

In short, the Missouri Constitution requires that bills have a purpose (I imagine you agree that this is reasonable). In addition, the Constitution limits bills to one subject (that’s sensible, too, I hope you’ll agree). And, the Missouri Constitution prohibits the changing of a bill’s original purpose during the amending process.

If you think Missouri lawmakers should follow the law when creating laws you have to abide by, take a look at the laws passed, and learn whether or not the one representing you is following the law they pledged to follow.


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