Friday, May 21, 2021

Carl Junction superintendent thanks community, staff for district's success during challenging school year

(The following message was posted by Carl Junction R-1 Superintendent Phil Cook today on the district Facebook page.)

CJ Family and Friends,

In the early days of the pandemic, you heard from me a lot.
Since then, communication from our school has been more directed and handled by our specific schools and public relations department. Now that this school year has come to an end I think it is time for you to hear from me again.

Thank you CJ parents and community for your support and prayers through this year. I had a few tell me in August, “I don’t know why you’re even starting school. You’ll be out by September!” We made it through September and we are ending as planned on May 21st. 

This was a team effort starting with our students who accepted and adopted the safety plan and followed it completely. Our teachers and staff are our champions. They worked as they have never worked before. 

For all of us in education, it was the most challenging year we have ever faced. However, as we reflect, it will go into the books as the most rewarding. 

Parents, you have believed in us, you have worked with us in a positive way and you have encouraged your children. You have also stressed right alongside us. CJ Community, I count my blessings every day that I live here. This is a special place that constantly throws its support to the kids of this community and its school. We are so lucky to live in this very special place.

What follows is an email I sent to our staff. I think everyone should see it and I hope you will join me in celebrating the wonderful things the CJ staff did for OUR kids this school year.

We have made it to the end of another special school year. What makes this even more special is the simple fact that we did it. Many questioned our sanity in August as we prepared to have face-to-face school and thought we were wasting our time. 

Well…. we didn’t waste our time and we didn’t waste the time of our students. Sure, this has been challenging in many ways. 

This year has challenged us physically and mentally. I think we all even questioned our own sanity a few times. We stressed, we cried, we were afraid, and we prayed. We smiled, we worked our butts off and we gave it our all for our kids because we knew being in school was best for them. 

Now it’s over and I want you to relax and pat yourself on the back for a job very well done. Please, don’t even think about school for a while unless it’s enjoying the sweet, positive memories.

Lastly, tomorrow is the 10th anniversary of the Joplin Tornado. Many of you on this email were directly affected by that terrible storm. I will be praying for you tomorrow as you remember that day. May you have peace as you recall the events of May 22, 2011.

You are all my champions and I am so very proud of you.

I love you guys!


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