Friday, May 28, 2021

Lamar R-1 District drops mask requirement for summer school

(From the Lamar R-1 School District)

The Lamar R-1 School District will move to lift the mask requirements for students, staff, and visitors effective for summer school (June 1 - 25, 2021). 

Any person is welcome to wear a mask or other PPE in the school building unless it inhibits the person’s ability to perform his or her job, inhibits a student’s ability to participate in the education process or is disruptive to the educational environment. 

Social distancing is encouraged when in the school building. Students, staff, and visitors should continue to monitor their symptoms and should not enter a district facility or attend events including outdoors if they are exhibiting symptoms. 

The district will continue to examine the effectiveness of our current practices as well as monitor CDC recommendations and procedures to keep students and staff safe.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:46 PM

    Trying for tfg's herd mentality with herd stupidity.
