Thursday, July 15, 2021

Jasper County confirms 93 new COVID-19 cases, 207 in past two days

The Jasper County Health Department confirmed 93 new COVID-19 cases Wednesday after reporting 114 cases on Tuesday.

The new cases continue to include a larger number of younger people with 57 of the 93 being under age 40.

The statistics are posted below.

COVID Update 7-14-2021

93 new positive cases
0-1 yr 1
1-10 yrs 11
11-19yrs 10
20-29yrs 16
30-39yrs 19
40-49yrs 9
50-59yrs 9
60-69yrs 6
70-79yrs 9
80-89yrs 3


  1. Anonymous7:17 AM

    Jesus take the wheel!

    It's not like there is any way in the summer of 2021 that this tragedy could be largely prevented.

    Vaccination against the Covid-19, it's obviously the patriotic way to help yourself and others.

    The life you save might be yours.

    The hospitalization you prevent could be yours.

  2. Anonymous8:48 AM

    Jesus take the wheel!

    If your friends are telling you to not get vaccinated, and that you are safer risking illness and death when vaccination is a safe and effective preventative measure, maybe you need new friends?

    If your pastor or minister or other trusted religious figures are telling you to not get vaccinated because bible reasons, maybe you need to choose safer better religious friends and religious experiences?

    In the summer of 2021 when 99% or more of those hospitalized over the age of 12 have free access to a safe and effective vaccine but have not been vaccinated to prevent Covid-19, then all these are preventable illnesses and hospitalizations.

    When a non vaccinated population becomes a reservoir of infection and illness, and an incubator for further virus evolution and spread, that's not freedom.

    When the hospital covid wards are filled with the un-vaccinated that also unnecessarily burdens both the medical staff and the entire medical system along with everyone else who needs any sort of medical treatment.

    The fact that the medical system has not yet collapsed does not make everything fine.

    Vaccination against the Covid-19, it's obviously the patriotic way to help yourself and others.

    1. The vaccine is not FDA approved and the long term effects haven’t been said……

  3. Anonymous10:02 AM

    Can't wait til I can leave this area where there is no sense of community. When it is too much to ask to save your neighbor's life by getting a shot, I am done.

  4. Anonymous10:30 AM

    "The lowest-hanging fruit on vaccination is "people conservatives trust telling them they should get the vaccine," which is bafflingly not happening."

    "One very easy way to prevent Biden people going door to door and mandatory vaccinations in schools and vaccine passports and everything else they claim to hate would be increasing voluntary compliance, and yet..."

    The fact that Springfield area health officials have requested help from the State of Missouri to fund and establish alternative additional covid treatment facilities due to the epidemic spread of the virus overwhelming hospitals and medical facilities (despite the fact that the virus can be controlled and prevented by safe and free vaccination of those above the age of 12) is proof that things are not fine.

    Vaccination against the Covid-19, it's obviously the patriotic way to help yourself and others.

  5. Anonymous1:49 PM

    Hey 10:02

    Stupidity is all across the country.

  6. Anonymous1:51 PM

    The thing is, all the reasons to get vaccinated doesn’t matter. THEY DON’T CARE

  7. Anonymous4:22 PM

    The stupidity burns bright and derp in SWMO.

    Plenty of people are proud of it, and aren't afraid to tell you.
