Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Josh Hawley: I'm fighting Critical Race Theory- send me money

The Josh Hawley campaign was quick to capitalize on his latest bill with yet another request for campaign contributions.

The following e-mail was issued today:

Critical Race Theory is an imminent threat facing our nation— more specifically in the classroom.

The leftists who push CRT want to see this current generation indoctrinated with THE LIE that America is inherently racist and systemically evil.

We cannot afford for our children to lose faith in the noble ideals this country was founded on, and Josh Hawley is taking action!!

This week, Josh introduced the Love America Act, which requires schools that receive federal funding to teach students about America's critical founding documents.

Earlier in the week, he talked with Tucker Carlson about the vital need for the Love America Act.

America is worth fighting for and Josh Hawley is committed to fighting to promote the TRUTH about our nation!

Are you committed to fighting for the truth, and setting the record straight about America’s history?

Join Team Hawley, and donate to Josh’s campaign!

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