Friday, September 24, 2021

Vicky Hartzler: Democrats' bill is about death for unborn babies

(From Fourth District Congresswoman Vicky Hartzler)

Congresswoman Vicky Hartzler (R-Mo.) issued the following statement regarding Democrats’ pro-abortion legislation, H.R. 3755, which would impose abortion-on-demand nationwide:

“Democrats' radical attempt to disguise imposing abortion-on-demand up until the moment of birth as a women’s rights issue is repulsive,” said Hartzler. 

“This legislation is the furthest thing from freedom. Rather, it is just the latest Democrat effort which endangers women and results in the death of the next generation of Americans. I condemn this legislation in the strongest possible terms and unequivocally stand up for women, the sanctity of life, and the millions of precious unborn lives who cannot speak for themselves.”

Specifically, the following existing laws would be abolished should H.R. 3755 be signed into law:
Laws protecting women by requiring that only physicians (rather than other health care providers) perform abortions.
Laws giving women the right to see an ultrasound prior to an abortion.
Laws ensuring women receive additional tests or patient counseling prior to an abortion.
Laws requiring women be presented with accurate information and consent before having an abortion.
Laws that regulate the prescribing or dispensing of dangerous chemical abortion drugs.
Laws that regulate or restrict abortions performed via telemedicine.
Health and safety regulations for abortionists and abortion clinics.
Waiting period laws.
Laws preventing sex-selection abortion or abortion based on a Down syndrome diagnosis.
H.R. 3755 also does not allow any limitation on when a provider may decide to abort a baby after viability.

It is a radical proposal allowing the ending of an unborn baby’s life for any reason at any time during the pregnancy (including the day before birth) on anyone at any age.

It violates America’s first inalienable right—the right to life and has no place in our country.

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