Sunday, November 14, 2021

Neosho man assaults Joplin woman; it's on video- No charges will be filed


If you watch the video and thousands of people have, it seems like a slam dunk case.

A Neosho man, apparently not pleased with a reproductive rights protest October 4 at 7th and Range Line, assaulted Unique Moore of Joplin, punching her (shown in screenshot at left and in the video below) and knocking her to the ground where he hit her again.

Moore was hospitalized with a concussion and an assortment of lesser injuries.

The video that was initially posted on Julie Joplin Media is not the only video that law enforcement has of the attack.

Slam dunk- if you prosecute it.

That won't be happening.

A month after the attack, Unique contacted the Joplin Police Department to see how the case was progressing.

It wasn't.

Det. Chad Comer sent the following e-mail response:

Since my interview with you on October 6, this case was presented to the prosecutor's office. The prosecuting attorney has declined to file criminal charges in this case.

As far as a civil lawsuit, you can contact an attorney at any time to file a civil suit.

Since the case was not going to be prosecuted through the Joplin municipal system, Moore contacted the Jasper County Prosecuting Attorney's office and learned the case was never sent there.

It appears the message has been sent that if you disagree with someone who is using the First Amendment rights that have been given to all of us, you can silence them with your fists. 

At least if you are in Joplin.

And who knows, maybe you won't even be charged if you decide fists are not enough to get your message across.

That is something that should concern all of us.


  1. Anonymous10:53 AM

    What is the name of the Neosho man?

    1. Anonymous6:13 AM

      Edward Steinbacher

  2. Anonymous11:32 AM

    So it's



  3. Anonymous12:06 PM

    This guy could be one of the local qtards or holy roller talibangelicals.

    1. Anonymous6:22 AM

      Full on right-wing extremist with a micro pp

  4. Not really surprised, Joplin prosecutor is pretty much useless. Jasper county could pursue prosecution but won’t. Just another reason to carry you have to defend yourself with no help from law enforcement or the court system .

  5. Anonymous1:00 PM

    Check your water folks.

    Somethangs not write!

  6. Anonymous1:22 PM

    @he swung first and approached him again after he backed away. She had it coming and that's why they didn't file charges....

    1. Video isn't great quality, but it looks like she did hit him first, or attempted to at least. You are allowed to defend yourself. Why should he be charged?

  7. Anonymous9:46 PM

    There was multiple videos but somehow this one was picked. All I know is they were on the opposite corner when I drove by and when I came back they were surrounded by the Julie Joplin gang. Probably a good reason why nn criminal charges were filed

    1. Yeah one of the guys on the video said "they shouldn't have gone over there". You don't get to go over to physically confront someone and then complain about the consequences. I would change my mind if I saw a clear video of him swinging on her first, otherwise this is just knee jerk emotional trash bias reporting.

  8. Anonymous11:26 AM

    Nice journalism, Turner. Reminds of that fool on MSNBC. "This is a mostly peaceful protest." As the entire block behind him is engulfed in flame. Granted, this is small potatoes comparably but it falls in with all the other journalist lies over the past few years. Russia collusion, White supremacist Covington kids, Kyle Rittenhouse Nazi BLM hunter, Hunter Biden's laptop and "art sales". And the list goes on and on.

  9. Anonymous11:30 AM

    @ Ghorn Yes, too bad the gentleman was not carrying. With no police protection against leftist street goons, that is.

    1. Anonymous6:26 AM

      The police are on your side, clown.

  10. Justice prevailed! The Pro-Aborts came over looking for a fight and were maybe expecting that the Pro-Life people would back away. They were sadly mistaken! Turner would benefit from sharing truthful, unbiased news, but alas, he has to put his leftist twist on it.

  11. Anonymous10:13 AM

    Kevin Vanstory doesn't understand that reality itself has what he would call a 'leftist twist'.

    For someone pretending to run for government, Kevin sure does insult a lot of potential voters.

  12. Anonymous2:21 PM

    Has Kevin VanStory ever won an election?

    Wondering if he has tried taking some of them little blue Electoral Dysfunction pills yet!
