Wednesday, December 08, 2021

Greitens: Biden does not care how much hurt he has brought to Missouri


(From the Eric Greitens for U. S. Senate campaign)

Former Missouri governor and Navy SEAL Eric Greitens released the following statement on Joe Biden’s visit to Missouri:

Joe Biden simply does not care how much hurt he has brought to Missouri, and his visit to Kansas City today to promote his socialist agenda proves he is not our president.

The fact is that under Biden, Missourians have endured more economic hardships than ever before, especially with surging inflation rates and supply chain shortages. 

It is more difficult today for everyday citizens to live their American Dream than it has been at any other time.

Biden’s socialist Build Back Broke plan will continue to hurt not only Missouri, but every single state in the country. As your Senator and with a Republican-led Congress, we can finally be the line of defense against Biden and his socialist agenda.

I will never stop fighting for the people of Missouri and President Trump’s America First policies.


  1. Anonymous5:12 PM

    Nor does Senile Joe know how to run a proper BDSM Navy Seal Republican Family Values Rape Dungeon either.

  2. Anonymous1:53 PM

    5:12 Good one
