Friday, January 21, 2022

Billy Long campaign ad claims Democrat rigged presidential election and will steal another one

In his new campaign ad, Seventh District Congressman Billy Long, one of the candidates trying to succeed Roy Blunt in the U. S. Senate, says he is campaigning to stop the insanity.

The ad indicates that is not the case. Long appears to be trying to use the insanity to gain a foothold in the race.

In the ad, Long says the following:

I was one of the first to support Donald Trump for president. He made America great.

But the Democrats rigged the election.

Now we have Biden and the far-left crazies letting inflation rise faster than an auctioneer rattling off numbers, I'm running for Senate to stop the insanity. stop the wokeness and stop the Democrats from stealing another election.

So I need your help and then we'll help Donald Trump make America great again- again.

I'm Billy Long and I approve this message.

Billy is far behind in the polls and appears to be making a desperate attempt to get Donald Trump's endorsement.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:16 PM

    Posturing very strongly for the votes of his low information chud base.
