Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Mercy hospitals lifting visitor restrictions, masks will still be required

(From Mercy Hospitals)

Effective Monday, Feb. 14, Mercy is lifting visitor restrictions in our facilities (except for Covid positive patients on isolation). 

Visitor guidelines should return to pre-pandemic status, unless there are clinical reasons for which to restrict them in certain situations. 

Masking will still be required for visitors. 

Any restrictions must apply to specific patient populations or areas and be clinically based. This move is in accordance with current CMS (Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services) guidelines related to COVID-19.
At this time, no visitors are allowed for patients on isolation for Covid, with exceptions considered. CMS has also lifted the facility door screening requirements. 

As part of our ministry’s continued commitment to provide safe, high-quality care for all we serve, we do still ask that visitors who are not feeling well, are Covid positive or have been exposed within the past 10 days refrain from visiting Mercy patients.

With the lowering prevalence of COVID-19 in most of our communities, we are encouraged by the ability to reduce restrictions. As we have all increasingly learned to do during the pandemic, we remain vigilant and will quickly adapt guidelines to keep everyone safe.


  1. Anonymous8:11 PM

    Oh THANK YOU, Benevolent overlords! This crumb will ensure our loyalty, at least til March.

  2. Anonymous10:33 AM

    Those anti-evidence based medicine horsepasters are hard to satisfy.

    Perhaps they should get their health care at their local church? Have their preacher lay hands on the bedpans?
