Friday, April 15, 2022

Billy Long: Ending Title 42 is pure insanity

(By Seventh District Congressman Billy Long)

President Biden has a severe case of Trump Derangement Syndrome. Since coming into office, he has undone all of President Trump’s policies he can get his hands on. 

If Trump had invented the wheel - wheels would now be banned. When we saw illegals wearing 'Biden-Harris 2020' T-Shirts walking into this country shortly after Joe Biden was sworn in we knew we had a new 'Olly Olly Oxen Free' Border policy. 

Border wall construction stopped, remain in Mexico policy nixed, catch and release restarted, and now for the crème de la crème - the rim shot President Biden wants to end Title 42. Talk about adding insult to injury- geez! I can't wait to get my hands on Biden's new book 'How Do I Ruin America, Let Me Count The Ways' - cover art by Hunter Biden.

And, just what is this Title 42 you query. It is a COVID pandemic order implemented by President Trump to easily deport illegal immigrants crossing the Southern Border during the pandemic. Given the conditions on the ground, this was another brilliant play call by President Trump. 

When you’re fighting a global pandemic that not even scientists fully understand you err on the side of caution and pull out all the stops. Just this week the CDC extended the masking mandate to fly on commercial airlines. So is COVID over or not? President Biden's CDC is telling the unwashed masses that they have to mask up to fly to Grandma's but 18,000 illegal aliens a day walking in masked or not is nothing to concern ourselves with.

Until now the Biden Administration has kept this Title 42 rule in place but recently announced that it will end on May 23rd. Given the influx of over 2 million illegals into our country since Biden was sworn in, ending Title 42 will be an unmitigated disaster. 

Because of President Biden ending other common sense Trump-era immigration policies, we are seeing a humanitarian crisis on our Southern Border. 

The Border Patrol is predicting that up to 18,000 illegal immigrants will stream into our Country everyday if Title 42 is lifted. That’s more than double the number they saw during last summer’s surge. And to make matters worse, the Border Patrol says that the Biden Administration has done nothing to prepare for this drastic uptick.

President Biden just gave human smugglers and drug cartels a date certain for when it will become easier to illegally cross our Southern Border. 

This is not the time to be making it easier to illegally enter this country. This is the time to double down on border security, and finish the wall that President Trump started. We have to get serious about securing our border, but unfortunately, we’ve seen 14 months of a disastrous open border policy and President Biden still doesn’t realize this simple fact.


  1. Anonymous6:57 PM

    Insanity is Billy long thinking he's going to convince the right wing nutters he's far enough around the bend to win their votes!

  2. Anonymous5:55 AM

    Just one question Billy. Has Mexico paid for Trump's Wall yet?
