Thursday, April 14, 2022

Joplin City Council candidate challenging election loss still won't accept Trump's loss either

Joplin City Council candidate Brian Evans has filed a petition for a recount claiming there could be error and that many voters told him about things that happened while they were voting that could have made a difference in his election. 

Evans finished in fourth place in a five-candidate race, 13 votes behind the third-place finisher. The top three candidates were sworn in Monday night.

From the Joplin Globe account:

Evans states that there could be errors such as machine malfunctions, operation or procedural errors or a miscount caused by human or machine errors. The petition also states that he was told numerous personal accounts of incidents such as voters being given incorrect ballots, ballot misfeeds and rejections occurring, and other tabulation errors, although no specifics of any such accounts are cited in the petition.

The results of his election are not the only one Evans, a fifth-grade teacher at McKinley Elementary, has refused to accept.

On his news website, Evans News Report, Evans has posted conspiracy items indicating former president Donald Trump had the election stolen from him almost continuously since November 2020.

On November 6, 2020, Evans blamed a host of people for Trump's loss in a post titled "America's Darkest Hour."

(O)ur nation has become riddled with corruption, rife with fraudulent vote counts, consumed with violence and hate, and now is teetering on the cliff, as it begins to plummet into the depths of a Marxist takeover!

Yes…this month we have had an election, that was invalidated by a Deep State that democrats claim doesn’t exist, validated by a Media who despises truth while promoting their own pro-marxist propaganda, protected by an FBI and other governmental entities which were strategically place by Obama and other pro-Global Elites, and financed by corporate elites who are trying to buy their way into the new elitist club, much like took place during the Nazi occupation of Europe.

Along with promoting every election "audit" and claim that took place, Evans also promoted conspiracies about the January 6, 2021 insurrection claiming those responsible were neo-Nazi Ukrainians, Antifa and forefathers of Antifa.

No, Trump Supporters weren’t the ones instigating the Capitol riots on January 6th. Not only Antifa, but Ukrainian neo-Nazis were there instigating and partaking in violent activities as well. Antifa, the group of domestic terrorists that tore apart cities in the US in 2020, ended up causing $2 billion in damage.


  1. Anonymous10:38 AM

    We can only pray that this man never holds seat in any government office.

  2. Anonymous11:04 AM

    I will just leave this here-

    “I was the candidate that they basically stole an election from,” Clinton said Monday on the New York Times podcast “Sway.”

  3. Anonymous12:23 PM

    This man should not even be a teacher. If he cannot think critically, he cannot teach his students to either.

  4. Anonymous2:14 PM

    Seems like he needs moar tinfoil!

  5. Anonymous6:18 PM

    So does this guy think antifa came to Jopin and hosed him out of his council seat?

    Or is it something else he's so hot and bothered about?

  6. Anonymous11:01 AM

    If I'm the city manager, regardless of this outcome, I'm getting my resume up-to-date. The winds of change are blowing at city hall.
