Thursday, May 26, 2022

Ben Baker on Uvalde shooting: The problem is never the gun, it is always the heart of evil

(Rep. Ben Baker, R-Neosho, issued these thoughts on the Uvalde murders, on his Facebook page.)

My heart is heavy. Senseless cold blooded murder of innocent children is an evil that you can feel. The Uvalde shooting brings to the forefront the real problems we face. 

We have taken God out of everything and replaced Him with secular humanism that in the end makes humankind just another animal and feeds the selfish nature. How can you blame someone for acting like an animal when you have taught them to think that way?

There is no respect for life. There is rarely a real loving family unit, especially fathers, that are present to guide the children. Society has glamorized violence and hate and even tried to make that appear virtuous. 

Confusion among the children of today is palpable. You can see it in their eyes and in behavior. Screens have replaced human connection and it shows. Mental health issues among children is the real crisis that no one seems to want to talk about, especially the root cause.

As soon as a mass shooting happens politics is in play trying to place blame on the other side. Each claiming that government making a new law will fix it. It hasn’t yet nor will it ever. 

Until life is viewed as precious and valuable at all stages the evil will continue. Until we stop glamorizing drugs and violence it won’t stop. Until we get back to objective truth and understanding human nature it will continue. Until we agree that government is not a replacement for God, the chaos will keep happening. 

Since the dawn of time evil finds a way to carry out its plan to destroy life. Cain killed Abel with a rock because of jealousy and selfishness. The only way to stop it is with truth. If your solution doesn’t include the truth it will fail. 

If you don’t put down your political talking points and address the truth the cycle will continue. The problem is never the object used for evil it is always the heart of evil.


  1. Anonymous11:30 AM

    We love our guns more than we love our children. End of statement.

    You'll force pregnant women to give birth, but what happens when those "gifts from God" are mowed down in cold blood? Well... these things happen.

  2. Anonymous2:33 PM

    When a pregnant woman kills a baby through abortion it is her body her choice, but my body my choice doesn't apply to vaccine mandates. When a drunk driver gets in a vehicle and kills someone it is the drunk drivers fault. If that same drunk driver shot up a school all of a sudden it is because of the gun. Perfect liberal logic.

  3. Anonymous3:02 PM

    Explain to me why conservatives raised the drinking age to 21 because teens couldn't be trusted to not drink and drive...yet it's just fine to have them buy their assault guns.

    Also how do you check the juvenile records of a person newly turnerd 18 when they are buying their killng arsenal? Reember, if the laws don't prohibit it, then they allow it!

  4. Anonymous4:52 PM

    Bible Ben Baker's request to keep politics out of the latest school gun slaughter seems to be a little political in and of itself.

    Not that evangelicals are know for discernment.

  5. Anonymous5:33 PM

    The Parkland cops ran away. The Buffalo cop was killed instantly. The cops at Uvalde were overpowered, then waited 40 min to enter the school.

    Veteran cops repeatedly failed—but we’re supposed to expect Lunch Lady Doris & School Nurse Betty to stop a terrorist with an AR-15.

  6. Anonymous7:43 PM

    If a weapon is so dangerous that a squad of police officers are too afraid to confront a single person wielding it, that weapon should be banned.

  7. Anonymous5:38 AM

    Veteran cops repeatedly failed—but we’re supposed to expect Lunch Lady Doris & School Nurse Betty to stop a terrorist with an AR-15.

    The history of these events, especially when the police fail so badly, tells us the teachers and staff who are familiar with their kids are a lot more dedicated to their well being, are sometimes willing to try to stop shoot shooters unarmed.

    Plus who says Doris and Betty and the Principle and his office workers can't also be armed with a AR-15s kept in a safe in their office? You're also ignoring the deterrent effect, schools are relatively soft targets, why are people so opposed to hardening them?

  8. Anonymous11:41 AM

    It is hard to believe that the local Texas cops had a school shooting practice - not too long ago.

    What is really disturbing is that the armor platted cops retreated when they took fire from the gunman (what did they expect). The shooter needs to be neutralized at all costs. What if the shooter had access to other school rooms and kept up the carnage while police where waiting for backup.

    Parents waiting outside told the cops to go in and get the shooter - and if the cops did not go in then they would. Some parents where handcuffed and other parents were peppered sprayed. Also, some of the cops went in the got their children - first.

    Do you remember the school shooting in Florida - when the school resource officer did not go into the school - after the shooter (he waited for backup). He was called the "coward from Broward" and ultimately fired.

  9. Anonymous9:31 PM

    I'm with Cletus on more weapons and ammo in the schools to keep them safe!

    No reason at all not to have a walk in gun safe in every school office and a gun locker in every classroom and bathroom! They could be loaded with at least semi auto rifles and whatever magazines and optical sights and whatnot that teachers and staff might need. Is it a school with activities at night? Night vision gear or go home! Plus enough ammo in that safe for a squad to be able to sustain an all day firefight against an entrenched similar sized force.

    In this day and age why stop with good guns in the schools for good people? Is there any reason at all that Bus Driver Bob can't qualify on the bazooka? Why can't Janitor Jerry qualify with claymores and recoilless rifle beehive rounds? Janitor Jan can qualify on the heavy machine gun, or light machine gun if she can't heft the heavy MG.

    Every staff member can learn to throw a grenade. Baseball and softball coaches have a new special purpose! School nurses can attend training in case a throw gets dropped with the pin pulled. Any high school building trades classes should be able to build passable barricades and protected firing positions. Get that athletic field concession stand protected with interlocking fields of fire, what could go wrong?

    I just started worrying though.

    Don't we have to trust the teachers to arm them?

    Last I heard there were governors and important wingnuts on the cable and talk radio claiming teachers can't be trusted to teach kids unless the wingnuts write the scripts or pick out the allowed books because scary topics and scared parents! Politicans are on board with this like they are headed to a 'gentleman's club' for a bachelor party!

    Now we trust the teachers enough to arm them in the schools? What to do? WHAT TO DO?!

    1. Anonymous8:18 PM

      I agree, if we can't trust them with guns, they can't be trusted with kids. Looks like it's time for better screening of teachers.
