Monday, June 20, 2022

Greitens crawls into the gutter with violent "MAGA crew RINO hunting permit" ad

 Former Gov. Eric Greitens continued his march into the political gutter (and most likely into the GOP Senate nomination) with his latest YouTube video.

In the "RINO hunting" ad, Greitens quickly mentions his Navy Seal experience, then capitalizes on it leading a group of armed men into a home where supposedly RINOs (Republicans in name only) can be found.

"The RINO feeds on corruption and is marked by stripes of cowardice" Greitens says as he leads the uniformed group into the home.

The men break down the door and begin firing.

As the smoke clears, Greitens carrying his weapon, looks to the audience and says, "Join the MAGA crew. Get a RINO hunting permit. There's no bagging limit, no tagging limit and it doesn't expire until we save our country."

A Greitens news release notes that the video has already garnered more than one million views on Twitter.


  1. Awesome! Finally! Only woke, little snowflakes would watch a political ad and get upset. He's going to win for sure!
    I mean, it's not like he shot up a republican baseball practice. Or school, or a school, or a school or a church, or office. No, that behavior is for wacko, liberals!

  2. Anonymous5:21 PM

    I am a Republican and I do not approve of his actions at all. With all of the violence occurring in this country and the world, why would you promote anyone that would produce an advertisement like this?
    Whatever happened to being a responsible, respectful human being?
    Stop promoting threats to kill people. No wonder kids are bullied they learn the behavior from adults. It is completely disgusting and disgraceful.
    He should be ashamed but I'm sure he won't be. There is just too much hate in this world.
    Soon the things of this world will fade away and all that will be left is eternity. People need to prepare themselves.
    Jesus is coming whether you believe in him or not. It will be a glorious and dreadful day.
    All the things that seem important right now will mean absolutely nothing.
    It won't matter at all if you are Democrat or Republican. The only thing that truly will matter is where will your soul spend eternity?

  3. Anonymous9:34 PM

    Quit whining Turner.

    As a Democrat you should be glad the biggest buffoon will win the Republican primary. That way your Democrat nominee has a better chance of winning in November.

  4. Anonymous5:49 AM

    I am a Card Carrying - Voting / Donating / Gun Owning - Republican - this Guy needs Psychological Help - I would NEVER ENDORSE OR VOTE FOR THIS IDIOT... What kind of Message is he trying to Send - - Is this the Best we have to Offer the Citizens of Missouri - - We are the Laughing Stock of the United States of America - -

    After Proving he Cannot Run his Own Life, Be a Respected Family Man, or Run the State of Missouri as the Governor - He wants another Bite of the Political Apple - Why Doesn't he Move and Fade Away into the Sunset like Bill (William L.) Webster - did when he Shamed his Family, Friends, and the State of Missouri - with his Actions - - Again, if you don't remember Bill Webster - Just Google him - he was on the Fast-Track to become one of the Youngest Missouri Governor's and a Stand Out to eventually Run for President of the United States - Until he got caught up in Illegal and Scandalous Acts as the Attorney General for the State of Missouri.

  5. Anonymous6:33 PM

    In the last 50 years I have voted for far more Republicans than I have for Democrats. Mainly because of the lack of Democrats in local races.But I have voted for many people named , Danforth,Blunt,Bond,Reagan and Bush.However NOW the real Republicans are RINOS and the fake Republicans, ( Can you say, Trump and Greitens among others), are the "True Republicans!! This is just bat sh*t crazy!!

  6. Anonymous12:48 PM

    This guy is actually a HINO, that is Human In Name Only.

  7. Anonymous12:50 PM

    Oh yeah, and this guy did not lead a SEAL Team. In fact he never once served on a SEAL Team.

  8. Anonymous8:32 PM

    If any of the guys in uniform are members of the military, they could be breaking the DoD rules regarding political activity in uniform. They should be investigated and appropriate action taken.
