Friday, August 12, 2022

McDonald County R-1 adds two resource officers, will receive more money from bond issue

(From McDonald County Schools)

Some encouraging financial news for McDonald County Schools.

At the most recent Board of Education meeting, members learned the recently passed bond issue will be able to raise around $22.8 million dollars, up from the $21.5 million dollars originally projected.

Financial experts from bonding company L.J. Hart told the board the increased revenue is due to how the board is structuring receiving the bond money. 

The board is agreeing to break up the amounts it accesses into two parts, allowing more return on interest dollars. The board is also planning to invest some of the proceeds to draw more interest. The bond was passed earlier this year and money from it will be used to build storm shelters in schools across the district and other improvements.

The board also voted to improve school security by hiring two new school resource officers for the new school year. The SROs will be working in various schools throughout the district. School leaders are also looking at increasing other safety measures like keyless entries, more fencing, improving signage, and behavioral risk training for teachers and staff.
Board members also approved the hiring of many new teachers, custodians, paraprofessionals, bus drivers, and other staff as the new school year gets ready to kick off. It’s all in an effort to make sure McDonald County Schools are ready to make a difference in every child, every day, whatever it takes!


  1. Anonymous1:36 PM

    A government entity borrows money, plans to invest the borrowed money to make money what could go wrong?

  2. Anonymous5:55 PM

    Nothing can go wrong!

    It's a guaranteed sure thing and their taxpayers can pay either way.
