Friday, September 02, 2022

Josh Hawley: Biden made a mean speech- send me money!


It's a day of the week that ends with "day," which means a fundraising letter has been sent out by Sen. Josh Hawley's campaign team.

This time, he tells potential donors (P. T. Barnum said there was one born every minute) that President Biden's speech last night offended his sensibilities and the way to combat the president's "mean" speech is by sending Josh Hawley money.

The only thing Hawley leaves out is an explanation of how sending him money is supposed to help anyone but Hawley.

The text of the letter is printed below.

Fellow American,

Joe Biden is projecting Democrat hate. Biden's speech was as angry and divisive as I've ever heard. Set before a looming, foreboding red background, Biden demonized half of America. His hate-filled rhetoric was shocking, especially from someone who ran for president claiming to be a unifier.

His speech served only to whip leftists into a frenzy and fuel more hatred of Republicans, but the speech lacked any substance and ignored the plight of millions of Americans.

Here are some of the things Biden's speech IGNORED:

❌ Out-of-control crime

❌ Budget-Crushing Inflation

❌ Crisis on our Southern Border

❌ A Fentanyl Epidemic

❌ High Gas Prices

Biden spoke to the furthest, most radical wing of the democrat party and IGNORED the chaos he created for everyday Americans. Joe Biden, like the rest of the democrat party, has placed hate-fueled ideology over the concerns of Americans. We can't take any more of this hate-fueled left-wing propaganda!


DONATE $10 >>>

DONATE $25 >>>

DONATE $50 >>>

DONATE $100 >>>



  1. Anonymous7:41 PM

    Josh, because you're hardly my hero, the amount you'll get is ZERO!

  2. Anonymous1:21 PM

    Is this the same Josh Hawley that ran out of the capitol like a cowardly £!¥€#?
