Saturday, February 18, 2023

Initial appearance for Joplin attorney on DWI charge set for Tuesday


The initial appearance for Joplin attorney Scott Vorhees on a driving while intoxicated charge is scheduled for 8 a.m. Tuesday in Joplin Municipal Court.

A Joplin police officer stopped Vorhees, 47, January 20, at 22nd and Pearl.

Vorhees' attorney, Phil Glades, filed a motion January 30 for a change of judge.


  1. Anonymous5:37 AM

    Wonder if Phil Glades will pull his usual tricks and have this continued monthly for 2 to 3 years. Then client gets 2 years probation from date of offense.

  2. Anonymous9:35 AM

    Why did Phil - - Ask for a Change in Judges - - So he could find a Judge that Owes Him a Favor or is more Lenient on DWI's - Phil use to ask for Judge Copeland who had a record of leniency in drunk driving cases.

    Why do you Think - Even Other Attorneys, hire Glades - - He is Owed a Lot of Favors, From Judges, Attorneys and Knows where all the Bodies are Buried (Figuratively) and/or the Sins of his Compadres. Next Time when a Judge / Prosecuting Attorney or When someone is running for Office - look at who is Donating to their Campaign or Re-Election. Do you think they are looking for favors - a lot of Attorneys will Donate in their Law Firms Name - then the Attorneys donate in their Individuals Names - - Ask yourself WHY - - Connections / Favors!!!

    Also, Phil does use - "The Continuance Option" - - wearing down the Prosecutor's, Judges, and Courts - - to try and give his Client a Favorable Outcome - - - Of course Costing his Clients a Fortune - for Billable Hours...

    Justice is all about - How Much Money You Have - - Not Right or Wrong - Guilty or Innocent - but How Much Money You can Through at the Court Systems - - The Average Person - Cannot Afford the Legal System - - and the Public Defenders - (Public Pretenders) - Don't have enough Education / Training - or Connections and Legal Favors to be able to Help most Clients.

    Judge Copeland - - Got away with Killing 2-Teenagers over a Technicality and was Voted Back into Office - Multiple Times - - By the Idiots of Jasper County - - - and he let Multiple DWI Offenders Off - to Re-Offend and Drive Drunk - - Remember these DWI Offenders - Could have - Killed You, Your Wife, Your Kids, Your Relatives, Your Friends - But by all means Let's Vote them Back in AGAIN, AND AGAIN!!! It is Time to Stop Being Soft on Criminals -

  3. Anonymous9:04 PM

    Ever see Phil in court? He’s the master!
