Thursday, April 27, 2023

Joplin R-8 Board expected to make final decision on MOSO CAPS agreement during special session

The Joplin R-8 Board of Education is expected to make a final decision on the MOSO CAPS program when it meets in special session 1 p.m. Friday at the Memorial Administration Building.

At issue is a three-year memorandum of understanding with Missouri Southern State University to have 12 students enroll in the program at a cost of $29,976.

The board rejected MOSO CAPS on two prior occasions, but the makeup of the board changed with the election of three new members earlier this month.

Under the memorandum, the district would have to do the following:

-Appoint a district liaison (preferably a high school administrator, counselor, or faculty member) to serve as the primary point of contact between MOSO CAPS and Missouri Southern State University; 

-Identify a qualified representative of the School District to serve on the MOSO CAPS Advisory Board; 

-Pay annual program tuition costs of $29,976 to the University on or before July 1 of each fiscal year based on the mutually agreed upon allocation of twelve (12) student seats ($2,498 per student); 

-Actively support MOSO CAPS by recruiting students and promoting the program to prospective students, their parents, faculty, and the business community; and 

-Award high school credit, as appropriate and allowed by the School District's academic policies, for work done by students in MOSO CAPS. 

The university would provide the following:

-Manage the day-to-day operations of the MOSO CAPS program, including working with industry partners, strand coordinators, and high school liaisons to create experiential learning opportunities for partner districts' students; 

-Serve as the primary point of contact for industry partners, collaborating on the development of high-quality experiential learning opportunities; 

-Employ a MOSO CAPS director using funds available from program tuition revenue; 

-Employ strand coordinators using funds available from program tuition revenue; 

-Receive program tuition fees from partner school districts, prepare an annual budget for the use of those funds, pay approved MOSO CAPS expenses with those funds, and provide a complete accounting of the use of funds to the partner school districts annually; and 

-Award college (dual enrollment) credit, as appropriate and allowed by the University's academic policies, for work done by students in MOSO CAPS.

During the special session the board will also decide on construction and installation of a 10x12 storage building for Dover Hill Elementary and an Athletic Training Program Clinical Affiliation Agreement with Missouri State University.


  1. Anonymous7:12 PM

    Has any teacher been for this at JHS/ FTC? Have they been asked? MOCAPS will take several students from the Franklin Tech program and put nearly $30,000 into MSSU's pocket. Why not invest that money into Franklin Tech? Why put the kid on a bus and truck them across town? I just don't get the benefit of taking students away from FTC. Instead I see school board members with connections to MSSU making gains.

  2. Anonymous7:55 PM

    This seems like a whole lot of fuss for 12 students and $30,000 a year.

    Why might people suspect there's a camel trying to get it's nose under the tent?

    All these important highly paid people, all this time, all the media self promoption, "first university in the country to house a CAPS program"


  3. Anonymous9:05 PM

    Here we go. Subsidize MSSU even if there are no Joplin students participating. What is the guess there will be any students participating from JHS in the fall? 2, 4, 6?? What is the problem with only paying for services provided?

  4. Anonymous9:14 PM

    Already spending money for spots that won’t be used.

  5. Anonymous5:47 AM

    MO CAPS and Franklin Tech don't offer the same classes thats why.
    The people on here are so uniformed. Please read the fact before commenting.
    The services provided comment....because MSSU is making the offer not Joplin Schools, take it or leave it. Other schools are benefiting from this program except Joplin. The previous school board couldn't get out of their own way to implement this program, hopefully now we are on the right track.
