Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Seneca R-7 Board hires 12, accepts three resignations

During its meeting Tuesday night, the Seneca R-7 Board of Education approved the following hirings and resignations:

New Hires

Ardee York elementary teacher
Payton Waits elementary teacher
Joseph Fry assistant band director
Eric Hunter junior high assistant track and field coach
Tabbatha Revas-French, substitute teacher

Tashsa Auman junior high/intermediate secretary
Cathy Kirscher bus driver
Nathaniel Scott junior high assistant girls basketball coach
Allison Gil paraprofessional
Jordan Steadman paraprofessional
Makayla French paraprofessional
Canaan Vermillion high school assistant varsity baseball coach


David Glaser high school social studies, cross country coach
Lacy Skaggs paraprofessional
Heather Marshall paraprofessional

1 comment:

  1. Mr. Turner! I have managed to stumble upon this entry as I was looking into a different topic that lead me back to your blog. I thought how you may have remembered back to our 2012-2013 8th grade class as you typed my name. It was around that time when I decided to become a band director, and now it's finally happening! I hope all is well.

    Best wishes,
