Saturday, September 30, 2023

Eric Burlison explains why he is only Missouri Congressman to vote against keeping the government open

(From Seventh District Congressman Eric Burlison)

On Friday, the House rejected a Continuing Resolution (CR) to fund the government for a 30 day period past the September 30th ending of the fiscal year. I was among 21 Republicans who voted against the CR and we are demanding Congress return to Regular Order and pass the 12 individual appropriations bills, 4 of which we’ve already passed.

Then, on Saturday, the House chose to punt and voted for a clean Continuing Resolution. So, instead of staying in D.C. and fighting to pass the rest of the appropriations bills, Congress is kicking the can down the road by passing a 45 day Continuing Resolution, extending the woke Biden policies for an additional month and a half.

Instead of building on the momentum that started this week when the House passed bills to fund the Department of Defense, the Department of Homeland Security, and the Department of State, the House has decided to repeat the same cycle that plays out every year and hope for a different result this time.

During this extension, we are supposed to pass the remaining appropriations bills - that will remain to be seen.

I voted against this CR and will continue to fight to end this cycle of irresponsibility.

For decades, Congress has been derelict in its duty. Failing to pass appropriations bills and instead opting to kick the can down the road until pressure builds to pass a massive spending bill that nobody has time to read or understand..

I refuse to play that game. Continuing Resolutions with long lead times allows the House to shirk responsibility.

Promises made, must be promises kept. I will not stand by and watch my country decompose.


  1. Anonymous6:00 PM

    Decompose? Are you serious? The stench of orange colored fermented shit covers not only you eric but the other 21.....your own party agrees. You're no hero for voting no. Why can't you show a little spine and confess you bought your ticket on the matt geetz "let's destroy America" train because your loyalty lies with the orange fat bastard and his orders were to create a shutdown to harm the country for his narcissistic purposes of being reelected. What are you going to do when he's in his cell and no following? I think you made your bet on the wrong fat bastard.

    1. Anonymous6:03 AM

      I agree 100%.

    2. Anonymous9:33 AM

      I disagree 100%

    3. Anonymous12:41 PM

      Good representation Eric. It takes courage to make positive change. Keep voting to stop the waste and corruption. Now, fire the lying RINO Speaker!

  2. Anonymous12:49 PM

    I find it humorous that any reference/article about any republican in this blog causes a meltdown in what I consider to be the same person, just on the context of their absolute hatred of the scary orange man. Time to get your meds tweeked, get some sunshine, and take a deep breath.

    1. Anonymous7:56 AM

      You sir are correct

  3. Anonymous4:44 PM

    Most of the Four Corner's tweekers are fans of the orange man!

    Also fans of the Stars and Bars.

  4. Anonymous10:30 PM

    LOL AT 12:49, who assumes there is only one person commenting here that isn't a fan of Donald Trump, based on just on the context of their absolute hatred of the scary orange man.

    News flash: Trump lost in 2020 and he knows it. He lost the popular vote, and the electoral vote.

    That means even in McDonald County there were more than 1,400 voters that didn't fall for his lies.

  5. Anonymous10:42 PM

    Dude look like a ventriloquist doll

  6. This guy is a moron.

  7. Anonymous8:55 AM

    Burlison is a made man in "The Reasonable Nutjob Caucus".

    The original name is more accurate than the current name "Freedom Caucus".

  8. Anonymous9:55 AM

    i stand corrected.there are two people that blather on about stars and bars and news flashes. the hatred that you (both?) show in your rambling comments provide clues to incline me to believe that you are retired government employees who have lost whatever shred of power you held and now sit home alone. I write this in hopes of making you so angry you finally have that bowel movement you've been waiting for. your welcome!

  9. Anonymous7:40 AM

    Wa wa,wa wa wa wa wa, wa wa wa. 955 too comsumed by bowel movents and jr high psychology to make any sense of his entry. Seen more intuition, insight and wisom from your average household pet than from this cracker.
