Saturday, September 16, 2023

Eric Burlison: What we've discovered about Biden Crime Family is shocking, gut wrenching

(From Seventh District Congressman Eric Burlison)

On September 12, Speaker Kevin McCarthy announced the beginning of an Impeachment Inquiry against President Joe Biden led by the Oversight Committee.

Throughout my tenure on the Oversight Committee, we’ve uncovered horrifying truths of corruption by the Biden family.

The enrichment of not only himself, but also his son Hunter and brother James.

We’ve identified over $20,000,000 flowing into the Biden Crime Family’s coffers from foreign adversaries. In addition, then Vice President Joe Biden made over 20 calls to Hunter and his business partners.

And the list of his corruption marches on.

Thanks to the new Impeachment Inquiry, those of us on the Oversight Committee will have new authority to investigate the Biden Crime Family.

What we have uncovered thus far has been shocking and gut wrenching, but there is still much to be done and revealed to the American public.

(Editor's note: If what he is found is so shocking and gut wrenching, why doesn't Congressman Burlison, or anyone else for that matter, simply tell us what this evidence is. As far as I can tell, impeaching Biden because his son, quite possibly illegally, used his father's name to make money, makes as much sense as impeaching Jimmy Carter during his term because his brother Billy was making deals with Libya. Nearly every presidential family has had someone who has tried to cash in on their relationship with the president.)


  1. Anonymous1:04 PM

    If Hunter had to pay “10% to the big guy” and Ashley had to “give 50% of her income to pop” do you still think Joe is a victim of their using his name or a is he a willing participant?

  2. Anonymous1:55 PM

    For all you drooling repubes:

    Ken Paxton.

    That is all.

  3. Anonymous2:39 PM

    This is the pub playbook, they did same to Hillary. Millions spent to sink and slander her presidential run. No resulting charges, just 2 years of republican lies. Here we go again. You're words, Eric, are nothing more than fake red meat for all the deplorables.

  4. Anonymous3:00 PM

    I have never been a supporter of Donald Trump, but if the liberal media keeps showing Lauren Boebert groping her date but won’t show me Hunter Biden’s p*ni$, I will have no choice but to vote for Trump a third time!

  5. Anonymous3:56 PM

    Eric needs to worry about curbing Biden allowing millions of illegals to flow into the United States and term limits if he ever wants my vote.

  6. Anonymous5:40 PM

    So this is the dolce that replaced buffet Billy.

  7. Anonymous6:16 PM

    Does anyone know what the tatoo on her left Boobert said?

  8. Anonymous2:55 PM

    @ 5;40 Dolce? What’s a “dolce”? 🤔

  9. Anonymous4:35 PM

    Unless you are a faithful fan of buffet Billy and Team Repube it shouldn't much matter what a "dolce" is!

  10. Anonymous4:37 PM

    Dolce means something nice and sweet. I think the tattoo on booberts boob says "trump". Incredible waste of a nice boob. Nothing dolce about that.
