Sunday, December 10, 2023

Eric Burlison: An update on Joe Biden and Hunter Biden investigations

(From Seventh District Congressman Eric Burlison)

This week, after Hunter Biden demanded changes to the time, place, and venue for his deposition, Oversight Chairman James Comer and Judiciary Chairman Jim Jordan sent Hunter’s lawyers a letter threatening him with contempt of Congress.

During the sham impeachment proceeding into President Trump, his children sat for hours in depositions. Hunter Biden shouldn’t get special treatment, especially when the charges are this severe.


When asked earlier, Joe Biden said if someone refuses to comply with a subpoena, they should be prosecuted by the Justice Department.

Now it looks like he might have to instruct his own DOJ to go after his son, to aid his own impeachment investigation (we know that will never happen, but the hypocrisy knows no bounds).


Every passing day, the Oversight Committee reveals more corruption from Joe Biden. Oversight recently uncovered proof that a company owned by Hunter Biden made monthly payments to Joe Biden. These payments came from funds linked to Chinese companies.

Every day, we are uncovering just how deep this goes and building a stronger case every day for the impeachment of Joe Biden.  

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