Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Parson issues statement on Super Bowl rally shooting

(From Gov. Mike Parson)

Governor Mike Parson issued the below statement following today's shooting at the conclusion of the Super Bowl rally in Kansas City near Union Station:

"I want to start with a thank you to Kansas City Police along with other state and local first responders who were able to quickly take two individuals into custody and provide critical care to victims following today's shooting.

This was a tragic conclusion to a celebration we had all looked forward to – none more than Teresa and me. The First Lady and I were present when shots broke out. Thanks to the professionalism of our security officers and first responders, Teresa and I and our staff are safe and secure.

At this time, KCPD is asking everyone to clear the area as they respond to those in need of immediate medical assistance. We commend local first responders and our state Missouri Disaster Medical Assistance Team for their quick actions to stop the threat and treat those in need. 

State and local law enforcement were prepared, they had a plan, and they ran towards danger when presented, undoubtedly saving lives.


Investigations are ongoing and the state will continue supporting our local law enforcement officials throughout the process. Teresa and I want to remind our Kansas City community and anyone impacted by this incident that help is available through the 9-8-8 Crisis Hotline.

As we wait to learn more, our hearts and prayers go out to the victims of this senseless violence."


  1. Anonymous9:32 AM

    @8:57 Where is this well regulated militia you keep talking about?

  2. Anonymous9:34 AM

    Your militia has been found to be poorly regulated. Total firearm confiscation now required. We are coming.

  3. Anonymous9:36 AM

    No Mike ya don't start with thanking the first responders, you offer condolences to the victims and their families. Our governor can't governor for sht.

    1. Anonymous12:29 AM

      Fat Mike waddled away like a scared little girl.

  4. Anonymous10:24 AM

    God bless America, where we protect kids from books that depict LGBT characters and free school lunches; but willingly sacrifice them on the altar of gun worship.

  5. Anonymous2:01 PM

    9:34AM- good luck with that you libtard idiot. NONE of you commenting get the big picture, you never have and never will. Taking guns away solves absolutely nothing. The people that want to kill will still find a way. It's NOT the gun, it's the person.

    1. Anonymous11:39 PM

      I don't need luck, your ineptitude will make things easy enough.

    2. Anonymous6:31 AM

      2:01 they will never get it, you can lead a horse to water but you can’t make it drink. They can’t separate feelings from facts, same people that want infringe on the rest of our rights, if they can get 2A destroyed the rest fall like dominos. We have to keep fighting for all our rights before it’s too late .

  6. Anonymous6:27 PM

    2:01 PM that's right! Take all the guns away and the accused KC perps could have picked something different to use as a weapon.

    Ninja throwing stars, hatchets, bricks, even a good old cement block or a large rock have been used to commit crimes in the past.

    Also bowling balls, baseball bats, empty beer bottles and whatnot.

    There is nothing special about a gun in a bad person's hand.

    1. Anonymous12:23 AM

      Clown take there. Mass murderers never choose a bowling pin over a gun.

  7. Anonymous7:21 PM

    It's not my gun. It's your son

  8. Anonymous12:46 AM

    Worst governor we've ever had. Embarrassing.

  9. Anonymous7:55 AM

    Some real nutjobs here claiming some boogeyman is coming to take your guns.

    By the way... Australia had ONE mass shooting, and the people, as a collective, decided it would never happen again, and gave up their assault weapons in order to protect their fellow man.

    You CANNOT rationally justify needing a smemi-automatic rifle, or purchasing a switch to convert your weapons to fully automatic. You have no grounds.

    Other countries have already figured this out, but America has too much lead in... well, everything. Lead is in the paint, in the plastics, and most importantly, in innocent people.

  10. Anonymous7:56 AM

    @2:01 I dare you to find any credible evidence that someone is going to take your guns.

    You hear someone talking about background checks, or other common sense regulations, and you freak out like "How can I survive without the ability to murder?"

    1. Anonymous3:32 PM

      You have obviously never bought a firearm background checks are standard procedure for a new firearm.
      You don’t know anything about firearms that is clear to me.

  11. Anonymous8:55 AM

    @2:01 Haha, which rights are 'they' wanting to infringe upon?

    Who has ever claimed they want to destroy the 2nd Amendment?

  12. Anonymous10:38 AM

    800 police officers at the Chiefs parade

    1,000,000 people at the Chiefs parade

    All 1,000,000 of those people were allowed to carry guns to the parade under Missouri’s weak gun laws

    But sure, tell me again how more guns equals more safety…

  13. Anonymous2:16 PM

    @7:21 ABSOLUTELY!!

  14. Anonymous2:20 PM

    I find it truly amazing none of /my firearms have jumped out of my safe and ran down the road and killed someone.-a

  15. Anonymous2:50 PM

    @2:20 Sounds like you're one of the few people who responsibly stores their firearms.

    Most people like carrying them around in their waistband or somewhere else it shouldn't be.

  16. Anonymous3:56 PM

    Screw your militia, where were they at the parade and 1/6. A bunch of lardass braggerts who don't and never will, have a reason to exist.......except to fight the king and queen of England nearly 250 years ago.

  17. Anonymous10:21 AM

    @3:32 Let me tell you a little secret about gunshows....
