Friday, April 19, 2024

65 years ago today, Harry Truman visits Lamar for the final time

Sixty-five years ago today, April 19, 1959, former president Harry S. Truman made his final visit to Lamar, the city where he was born May 8, 1884.

The occasion was the dedication of the Truman Birthplace as a historic site. The little home had been purchased by United Auto Workers, which restored it, put in period furniture, and gifted it to the State of Missouri. 

Truman did not arrive in a limousine protected by Secret Service agents. He drove to Lamar from Independence.

In this state photo, Truman is shown signing the guestbook. Beside his signature, he listed his occupation as "retired farmer."


  1. Anonymous5:53 AM

    Most unpopular guy in Hiroshima

    1. Anonymous11:52 AM

      Truman very good for US of A, very bad for Japan

  2. Anonymous6:55 AM

    Harry Truman - Was the Everyman's President, from the Midwest who reached the Pinnacle of the World's Leadership. He made decisions that most Presidents would have feared to have made.

    President Truman had a no-nonsense approach to decision making. The sign, “The Buck Stops Here” on his desk reflected his belief that he was ultimately responsible for the actions of his administration. While most Presidents motto is: "Please Pass the Buck", so I don't have to take any responsibility - Truman stood strong in his convictions.

    1. Anonymous12:00 PM

      Also Truman: "The bomb drops there. And there."

  3. Anonymous11:58 AM

    He invented Japanese BBQ

  4. Anonymous4:01 PM

    655 sounds like a tour guide on every post they make. Just wish they would have something important to say for once.

  5. Anonymous7:20 AM

    4:01PM, I am afraid that some of us appreciate History and The Greatest Generation, while you and 5:53AM, 11:52AM, 11:58AM, 12:00PM - Make everything a Joke, because you and your Mental Lacking Intellects - Will never understand Sacrifices of what people did to give you the Opportunity to make Half-Witted Comments and to Ridicule and Disrespect Others.

    Most of us would Doubt that you and the others have ever been to his Home in Lamar or his Presidential Library or any Historical Site, since it would take away from your Video Game Playing Time.

    Please go back and continue living your Mundane and Walter Mitty Life, while Real Americans and Adults have Respectful Conversations about Great Men, since we are all sure you have No Respect for Anyone, especially Yourselves, because you have never Accomplished anything to be Proud Of, and Live Off of what the Rest of Us have Accomplished and Sacrificed so you can Live your Shallow, Pitiful, and Disrespectful Little Lives...

    1. Anonymous10:45 AM

      720, although long-winded and profoundly parental, just the laugh I was looking for. Very funny!

    2. Anonymous12:03 PM

      Ok Boomer.

  6. Anonymous11:13 AM

    Who tf is Walter Mitty and why do you think anyone cares about him?

    This is 2024 and you need to quit yelling at people to get off your lawn!

  7. Anonymous4:07 PM

    I concur with 1113. I wonder if 720 accepts hush money. Oh no! Here come another diatribe on virtues, morals, and rules from 720.

  8. Anonymous4:47 PM

    10:45AM, another disrespectful punk and 11:13AM another uneducated loser, these two will never be anything more than dregs on society, thank goodness they are so inconsequential and insignificant since no one will ever need them to accomplish anything of importance.

  9. Anonymous5:18 AM

    We just swat gnats like those 1045am, 1113am, 407am, they just drag down the human race. Your unemployment checks are in the mail go back to your video games.

    1. Anonymous6:25 AM

      447 and 518, as you both wear your red MAGA hats, you obviously feel empowered by your "tough guy" orange Methusla that white racist conspiracy believers like yourselves worship and feel superiority over non whites. You both are obviously excessively advanced in age as you both demonstrate minimal malibility in navigating complex issues that tax your limited emotional/intellectual abilities without resorting to threats of physical harm.....just like your orange king.

  10. Anonymous7:59 AM

    That is the greatest laugh 407PM you offering money to anyone when you live off and live in your parent's basement. Lol.
