Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Carthage Council member: Constituents say Dagnan firing, Rife impeachment 'needed to happen for quite some time'

It didn't take long after a string of Carthage city employees spoke in favor of the possibly fired City Administrator Greg Dagnan (it depends on your definition of the word "and") and Mayor Dan Rife for council member Tiffany Cossey to move full speed ahead on Rife's impeachment.

After Rife noted that a bill to approve the contract of St. Louis area attorney Paul Martin to handle his impeachment needed to go through the budget committee since it would require a budget amendment and then would need to be voted on twice by the council, Cossey had a different idea.

All the council had to do is "suspend the rules," she said, noting that it is allowed under Rosenberg's Rules of Order.

"Why not throw out all the rules?" a man shouted from the audience, apparently a victim of the phenomenon known as Cossey and effect. 

Moments later, a Carthage police officer tapped on the man's shoulder and politely let him know there were a few rules that weren't going to be suspended.

Eventually, the decision was made to have both readings of the bill at the regular council meeting Tuesday night, with Rife making a promise that "I'm not going to slow anything down."

Despite the outpouring from an audience that clearly favored Rife and Dagnan and consisted mostly of city employees, Cossey and council member Alan Snow made it clear their constituents heavily favored the actions the council took last week when it voted 7-2 to remove Dagnan and moved forward with impeachment plans.

Snow said he talked with six people who were not happy with the way the council was handling things. After pausing for dramatic effect, he added that he had spoken to 50 people who were backing the council.

Cossey hadn't talked to as many people. She said only one person opposed her actions, while 20 "said this needed to happen for quite some time."

The meeting began with the reading of a letter signed by 69 city employees. A copy of the letter can be found at the link below:

The Turner Report: Carthage employee letters back Rife, Dagnan, accuse council of personal agenda involving former parks director (

In addition to a number of city employees speaking to support Dagnan, Bill Putnam, head of Carthage Citizens United, which backed the election of the new council members who provided the votes to fire the city administrator, addressed the council to note his organization did not make its endorsements with the idea of removing anyone.

The organization's only purpose, Putnam said, was to support "qualified candidates." He promised it will do so again in 2025.

 For more information, check out these previous Turner Report posts:

The Turner Report: Carthage City Council fires City Administrator Greg Dagnan, prepares to impeach mayor (

The Turner Report: What the hell has happened to city council meetings? (Are you listening, Carthage?) (


  1. Anonymous7:53 PM

    That meeting was a total train wreck after the public spoke. It is obvious that they do not care about following policies and procedures and will bend the rules to push their agenda.

  2. Anonymous9:34 PM

    Alan Snow and Bill Putnam are liars.

  3. Anonymous10:17 PM

    Cossey-Snow effect is the Carthage version of Dunning-Kruger... So stupid that they actually believe the puppetmasters will keep their promises. Once you've done the dirty work you'll be disavowed... Cossey will still be doing people's taxes and wondering why Chucks phone number doesn't work anymore. While Snow can resume his position as clubhouse "hang-around" at Jasper County Republican events. Credibility gone, they'll get no sympathy from the people they've betrayed. Who's gonna hire or elect a person who has clearly demonstrated their only loyalty is to themselves. Certainly not Cwep or the Jasper County Commission.

  4. Anonymous5:06 AM

    And we'd be remiss to not remember the business owner who started her presentation with "I apologize y'all but I really don't care about your jobs" and then launched into a rambling...advertisement for her little boutique thing? Commentary on how she really hopes she can keep her little boutique thing in carthage? Actually her point was never very clear at all.

    1. Anonymous6:35 AM

      C’mom, she just wants everyone to get off of Facebook! She has zero integrity. In high school, she was expelled for rigging the prom. Some things never change…

    2. Anonymous8:46 AM

      Wait, for real?! 😂

    3. Anonymous1:42 PM

      Imagine peaking in high school so hard you cheat to be prom queen. Lol. Pathetic.

  5. Anonymous6:16 AM

    Cossey also “apologized” to her fellow councilwoman for being angry and rude to her at the previous meeting when said councilwoman expressed interest in evidence and truth…items obviously not welcome on Cossey’s council. However, her apology consisted of “I’m sorry, BUT…” and then she proceeded to try to publicly attempt to justify her bad behavior. At which point even my TEENAGER said, hey, that’s not an apology, that’s not how you take accountability for your own actions!

  6. Anonymous11:59 AM

    The Residents of Carthage, get to live with the Dumb-Ass Council they Elected. Next Time beware who you Vote for and be sure to Vote, so you don't end up similar Idiots in Office.

  7. Anonymous12:39 PM

    These people are stinking up Carthage worse than Renewable Environmantal Soultions ever did. That takes some doing!

  8. Anonymous6:20 PM

    Having trouble digesting how for the last 10 months Ms Cossey and Mr. Snow (along Patrick Scott, Jack Crusa, Bill Putnam, Joel Terry, Jana Schramm, Jackie Boyer, Bill Lasley, Mark Peterson and several others) berated/verbally bludgeoned Mayor Rife, Greg Dagnan, Nate Dally, Mark Elliff, David Armstrong and Chris Taylor for the firing of the cwep board without just cause. They claim the firing impugned the character of those Carthage Citizens and opened the City to legel liability. A complaint for the action was filed with the Missouri State Attorney General. AG response says they were well within their rights to fire the board. Fast forward to today... We've witnessed 3 council meetings in 8 days and the only thing the new council wants to talk about is firing the City Administrator and impeachment of a duly elected Mayor without just cause. Hypocrisy at its finest.

    1. Anonymous7:25 PM

      Don’t forget that they are also trying to get the police department to disclose trial evidence in the Peterson money laundering case and trying to attack them for the other charges of allegedly hitting a car and leaving. I don’t know that they’ve conducted any of the necessary city business, but they seem hell bent on firing the people they don’t like and freeing Peterson.

  9. Anonymous7:29 PM

    Bashing of others through anonymous posts is peak society today. It’s a real shame. I hope the best to everyone involved in this mess. Perhaps the Lord will help all of these poor folks find opportunity for growth and healing through honest and candid conversation. Not accusations, rumors, and criminal allegations that have not made it to trial. I attend church in Oronogo with one of the families in this mess and I know they will work through God to help everyone find peace.

    1. Anonymous5:51 AM

      Says the anonymous poster…

    2. Anonymous12:25 PM

      I go to same church in Oronogo and I absolutely disagree. This family is an absolute mess. How they “found” each other and how they criticize others is an absolute joke. It is time for them to move on and SO many of us feel that way. Tired of their hypocritical actions. It’s no wonder he’s is so much trouble in Carthage. Only time before a lifetime of lies and deceit catches up to you. This “beloved” couple should move on to a church where they can be appreciated for who they are…we have had enough.

    3. Anonymous8:48 PM

      I’m very disappointed in the couple you’re referring to. I’ve known them for years and learning about their hypocrisy - even down to how they have treated lifelong friends - is a huge disappointment. Anything but Godly. And he’s got his hands where they should not be. Including the corruption that involves Mark Peterson.

    4. Anonymous6:20 AM

      More smear attempts. But no facts or substance offered to back your broad and general claims. This is exactly what CCU people do all the time. “He’s terrible! He’s engaged in corruption!” …citizens ask, “what did he do?” CCU supporters immediately go silent. After all the loud smear attempt they reveal they have nothing to offer.

    5. Anonymous12:51 PM

      If I put the specifics, then they don’t remain anonymous on this thread. Is that what you want?

    6. Anonymous1:54 PM

      You should offer facts. Not broad smears. You don’t have to give out names.

  10. Anonymous8:18 PM

    I thought I wanted to comment here. But, the comments are already excellent and hitting all the main points.

    Bonus points for shining the light on the Boutique owner that lectured everyone to get off Facebook who actually put a lengthy video of herself on FaceBook the day of election demanding everyone must go vote for the Carthage Citizens United PAC funded candidates. All, who happen to be friends of, or related to, the former Parks Director whose embezzlement trial starts soon.. In her video she actually called the recent Carthage tornado “a sign” their citizens had to vote CCU. She had no problem with Facebook, until the other side began posting facts. So she called that “Facebook Sh!t” while addressing the Mayor at the last City Council Mtg. Real class there.

    And yes, this is the woman who also got caught in High School (and expelled) for stuffing the ballot box with her name for Prom Queen. You cannot make up the things going on in Carthage

  11. Anonymous4:28 AM

    I do not live in Carthage but, this current council mess is better than any BRAVO reality show airing right now. Perhaps BRAVO should be contacted to bring cameras to future council meetings to film what they could call, 'The Real Idiots of Jasper County'!

    Yes, your township is being laughed at from people outside your gates. Start acting like adults and do the job you were elected to do. It's actually pathetic to watch.

  12. Anonymous9:09 PM

    Your Oronogo Church portrayal doesn’t add up with all the testimonies shared from members there. One person shared, OCC has asked for the congregation to pray over this family considering how they’ve been treated in Carthage. One can’t help but notice your accusation filled post offers just broad and general negative words, but no facts or substance to back up what you’re trying to claim. It reads like a smear, and quite possibly written by a CCU devotee. And lastly, this is in no way anything a Christian would say about their brothers and sisters in Christ. Whether or not you happen to “like” them. It’s unbecoming of a Christian to talk in this way about fellow believers. That, calls your claim to attend church in any serious fashion into question.

  13. Anonymous5:56 AM

    Christianity + Politics = Hypocrisy

    1. Anonymous10:28 AM

      It shouldn’t. Christian scripture states that governments, rulers, and authorities are set in place by God, and are under his authority, also accountable to him. Christianity + politics = Godhonoring help to humans. Man fell. Man sins. Nothing is changed of the design, though. Where man rules in truth and honor, he will rec’v ultimate honor and reward from God, and that man’s rule delivers benefit and peace. Where man rules in corruption and falsehoods, he will face accountability and judgment before God, and that type of rule and decision making will produce corruption, anguish, and chaos. The new Carthage City Council is ruling corruptly. We see the resulting chaos, we see 70-80% of hard working city employees in anguish as the 7 ignore their testimonies and pleadings to stop with this corrupt and vengeful agenda. The 7 forget they were allowed their chairs by God, and they will face his ultimate judgement.

    2. Anonymous3:42 AM

      I couldn't agree more with you (Anonymous 10:28 am). Their conspiracy will be exposed and they will be legally liable for this unlawful act of retribution. Shame, public disgrace and financial ruin will be the result of their treachery.

  14. Anonymous9:56 AM


    Christianity + Hypocrisy = Stupid Politics

  15. Anonymous10:30 AM

    Fake claims to be Christian + additional hypocrisy = bad politics
