Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Goodman man faces revenge porn, harassment charges

The McDonald County Prosecuting Attorney's office filed revenge porn and harassment charges Friday against a Goodman man who allegedly sent photos of his former girlfriend to several people and called her 70 times.

According to the probable cause statement, Adley J. McCall (DOB 1995) told the Goodman Police Department he sent the photos and messages, but that the former girlfriend had called him several times.

However, when Adley Showed me his call history, he had called her over 70 times, none of which were incoming calls from {her}.



  1. Anonymous9:46 AM

    Adley J. McCall, High School called and wanted you back for your Childish and Stupid ways of dealing with a breakup. Wow 70-Unasnwered Phone Calls so then you are going to send out compromising Photos of your X-Girlfriend to try and ruin her reputation. Time to Grow up and realize that relationships, don't always work out. Now you may be dealing with a Civil Lawsuit and possible Criminal Jail Time.

    Note to Young Women - NEVER let your Boyfriend Photograph you in any Compromising Situations - they will end up using them against you in the long term. Real Men, Not Boys - do not need to impress their friends or will need to hurt you if you end up breaking up. Remember there is difference between Men and Boys and I am afraid that Boys do not Mature as Quickly as Women.

    Men finally grow up at the age of 43 - a full 11 years after women 'mature', according to a new survey. A study into the differences in maturity between genders revealed both men and women agree men remain 'immature' well into their late 30s and early 40s. But the average age at which women mature emerged as 32.

  2. Anonymous4:34 PM

    This revenge nonsense is so childish, we all know what we do to our wives.
