Friday, May 03, 2024

Joplin attorney's law license suspended in Kansas for professional misconduct

Joplin attorney Kevin Cure, who once served as Galena, Kansas city attorney, will not be able to practice law in Kansas after a ruling issued today by the Kansas Supreme Court.

Part of the problems for Cure, whose practice was interrupted in Missouri by a suspension following his fourth DWI arrest, involved his use of alcohol, according to the Supreme Court ruling.

The formal complaint against Cure, 60, filed by the Office of the Disciplinary Administrator, alleged he was guilty of violations involving scope of representation, diligence, communication, declining or terminating representation and professional misconduct. Cure did not deny any of the allegations.

The allegations, which were detailed in the ruling's findings of fact, included Cure failing to represent his client in Cherokee County District Court, leaving drunken messages on the client's voicemail, failing to file court documents, including a signed plea agreement for the client and then taking months to send the client his court files after the client decided to represent himself.

The Supreme Court "indefinitely suspended {Cure} from the practice of law in the state of Kansas." The ruling is effective today.

Cure's law license was suspended in the state of Missouri in 2018 after he pleaded guilty in June of that year to driving while intoxicated, his third conviction on that charge in a 5-year period. His license was reinstated in 2021.


  1. Anonymous5:06 PM

    Kevin Cure, had his Missouri Attorney's License Suspended, but then could go practice Law in Kansas. This is just one of many State Licensing Issues - whether it is Doctors, Attorneys, CPA's, Pharmacist, Real Estate, Etc., when they get suspended in one State, they can just go practice in another. There should be reciprocity of sharing information between states so if they are suspended in one state, they are suspended in all and cannot get a License. Why should the Public be put at any Risk when their Professional License is suspended.

  2. Anonymous6:55 PM

    Shame on the mess.

  3. Anonymous7:09 PM

    I agree 100 percent!

  4. Anonymous12:31 PM


  5. Anonymous4:48 AM

    I always liked Kevin. Thought he was a good guy. Sounds like he needs help. He definitely needs to stop driving and endangering other people. That is never okay.
