Thursday, May 02, 2024

Neosho man charged with molesting 11-year-old girl

A warrant was issued today for the arrest of a Neosho man who allegedly molested an 11-year-old girl.

The Newton County Prosecuting Attorney's office charged Antonio Pop Caal (DOB 1988) with child molestation in the second degree, a felony, saying in the probable cause statement that Caal "inappropriately touched the victim's breasts."

Victim stated CP got into bed with her and went under the bedsheets. Victim stated CP grabbed her forcefully by the hand and pulled her back into him. Victim stated CP put his hand over her breast and fondled her over her shirt. The victim stated she was scared to scream. 

Victim stated she believed that if she screamed CP was going to choke her. Victim stated she tried to get away from CP but CP pulled her back in by her hand. Victim stated CP ran away after hearing a door close but came back after 10-15 minutes. Victim stated CP sat on her bed and made her feel uncomfortable. Victim stated she feared CP was going to abuse her. 

After speaking with CP and asking him what had happened, CP stated since they were related he could play with victim and stated they were only playing around.

Caal will be held without bond, according to online court records.


  1. Anonymous5:28 AM

    Antonio Pop Caal, so tired of all these Pedophiles hurting and taking advantage of Innocent Children. They all need to die a slow death. Stop giving them Probation, Stop giving them Backroom Deals, and Start getting tough on Crime and Criminals. Our Society is to PC (Politically Correct), Feeling Sorry for them, they had a bad childhood or they have addictions - they made the decisions to hurt a Child and should pay the ultimate price. Death to the Pedophiles!

    1. Anonymous7:12 AM

      Ok keyboard warrior take a breathing treatment

  2. Anonymous11:25 AM

    Probably deportarion for both alleged pedophile and victim would be the best solution.

  3. Anonymous1:18 PM

    Not sure what makes you think either the perp or victim are immigrants but go off Trumper.

  4. Anonymous2:02 PM

    528, here we go again, sounding like an overzealous tour guide, 528 goes into a nauseating rendition of your 1st grade teacher forcing you to listen to frivolous rules of the playground for the 20th time. Do you really think 528, that anyone is going to read, much less care, what you think when you offer this mind numbing drivel over and over again?

  5. Anonymous5:10 PM

    2:02PM, Another lackless composition of worthless comments and disrespect from a nothing, who cannot ever comment directly their own thoughts on the original Article - can you read this idiot!

  6. Anonymous5:16 PM

    Man 202 do you ever just shut the "F" Up and go back to Dungeons and Dragons. We are so tired of your pompous and irrational thoughts.

  7. Anonymous7:02 PM

    The grammar police will need help from the grammar fire department to get the comment @ 5:10PM properly subdued and processed!

    So much wrong on multiple levels!

    I mean, just start with "lackless" and then ?! BSMfxT...pfffffft!

  8. Anonymous9:25 PM

    Me thinks 202pm protests too much about anyone that loathes these sex offenders, makes you wonder if he is trying to protect them or is one too.

  9. Anonymous10:01 PM

    OMG 7:02 PM, are you kidding all of us, your prose is literally unintelligible, grammar police and fire department, trying to dish out public corrections, with the intent of making yourself feel superior while putting others down, and your usage of the urban dictionary-Pfffft slang, way to intellectual for us simple-minded people! Do you work at McDonalds or Burger King, either way order yourself some fries and chill.

  10. Anonymous5:27 AM

    Is 702 one of those stupid Youtube Auditors without a channel always trying to correct everyone. Please Fraudster go back to living in your parents basement.

  11. Anonymous5:38 AM

    Does 702pm keep his urban dictionary by his bedside or does he sleep with it to add his infinitely stupid slang and acronyms to all his posts? If anything why don't you use King's English, look it up idiot, and get schooled. Then go out and get a job where you can practice, "Do you want Fries with that Order".

    1. Anonymous6:20 AM

      To 538,527,1001,925,516,520: you deplorables are so pathetic, anyone disagreeing with your limited knowledge and insight gets your ignorant blowtorch reponses, "go back to mommy's basement, go back to your job at McDonald's". All of you are so stupid. You're all my puppets and I control your strings......for quite awhile now I might add. Very enjoyable and satisfying to see you jackasses jump everytime I say "BOO!"

  12. Anonymous6:41 AM

    2:02 and 7:02, when does the comment and grammar police start issuing citations, are you bunk buddies?

  13. Anonymous8:48 AM

    620am you must be a Svengali, we are all just puppets under your control-lol - Yessum Master! You are just a small bug we all step on to see your ignorant, non-informative non-educated responses, a manchild, who is just a plain sad little narcissist, seek counseling or medication. Who do you think is really pulling the strings, dance puppet dance, just like everyone has done to you all your life? Are you learning anything yet, puppet?

  14. Anonymous9:11 AM

    I wonder if 702pm and 620am really believe they are the puppet masters, when they are so played like a violin, so delusional. Crawl away little bug, the only strings you have been controlling is your shoe strings. Your only backbone and accomplishment in life is being able to comment under an Anonymous moniker, since you lack any ability to face reality. You will get what you give and then some, Karma - BOO HOO! The Tribe has Spoken and you are not Welcome Here!

    1. Anonymous12:06 PM

      848,911, same deplorable individual. Thank you for proving my point you idiot.

  15. Anonymous2:15 PM

    12:06, I think there is an overall consensus that the commentors do not like you.

    1. Anonymous3:43 PM

      215, no idea what you're talking about. The "rambling tourist guide" is obsessed with me as well as the "pronoun" pursuer. Nothing but love from everyone else.

  16. Anonymous7:53 AM

    343pm, do you ever feel empathy for the victims of these stories or just your miserable self righteous attitude of commenting about other's comments?
