Thursday, June 06, 2024

Judge merry-go-round continues in Carthage impeachment case; Dankelson wants out

The game of judicial hot potato in the legal action between Carthage Mayor Dan Rife and the City Council continued this morning as Jasper County Circuit Court Division II Judge Dean Dankelson filed a judicial transfer request.

Dankelson's action, coming only one day after the case was transferred to him by Judge Gayle Crane, means the legal action, which was filed a week ago with David Mouton as the original judge, will soon have its fourth judge.

Dankelson gave no reason for his action in the judicial transfer request the judicial transfer request, just putting a check mark in the box labeled "by judge's own motion."

The judicial transfer request was not the only filing in the case this morning.

St. Louis attorney Paul Martin, representing the Carthage City Council, filed a motion for sanctions a motion for sanctions this morning in Jasper County Circuit Court, claiming Rife and his attorney did not give him adequate time to respond to the motion for a temporary restraining order.

The restraining order, which was issued by Judge Gayle Crane Friday, prohibits the city from holding an impeachment hearing for Rife until a hearing is held or until 15 days passes.

From the motion:

As a result of respondents’ actions, petitioners have been deprived of their lawful authority and ability to try respondent Dan Rife, as scheduled, on June 5, 2024, resulting in disruption and confusion in the Carthage community and a delay to the process by which Mayor Rife is to be held to account for his alleged misfeasance. 

As a result of respondents’ actions, petitioners have incurred substantial attorney fees defending respondents’ petition, which should never have been brought by petitioners or considered by the Court because of the Carthage City Council’s scheduled and accomplished veto override on June 3, 2024.

WHEREFORE, respondents move that the Court strike the petitioners’ pleadings, dismiss this action, and award respondents’ their attorney fees and costs incurred in defending petitioners’ petition, and for such further relief as is just and proper.

Unlike in his previous filing, Martin made no mention of his upcoming nearly month-long vacation as a reason to toss the temporary restraining order so he can get on with the impeachment hearing. When and if the hearing is held, Martin will serve as the prosecutor.


  1. Anonymous10:30 AM

    …and let’s not overlook he told Mayor Rife’s atty, via email, his immediate reaction was to report him to the Missouri Bar. A la Tiffany Cossey. A move straight out of her playbook Now wonder she loved this guy when she found him and brought him to Carthage!

    1. Anonymous11:13 AM

      Yes, Martin is certainly doing Cossey’s bidding, which is being heavily persuaded by her controller, Chuck Bryant. Chuck’s BFF is Mark Peterson. Connecting those dots yet???

    2. Anonymous11:50 AM

      I think if Tiffany has shown us anything it’s that she can’t be controlled by anybody

  2. Anonymous10:49 AM

    Thanks for following this debacle, Randy.

  3. Anonymous11:52 AM

    The grits when there ain't enough eggs to cook
    And to D.B. Cooper and the money he took
    You can look for answers but that ain't fun
    Now get in the pit and try to love someone!

    Bawitdaba, da bang, da dang diggy diggy
    Diggy, said the boogie, said up jump the boogie

  4. Anonymous3:32 PM

    Cossey and subsequently Cossey and Martin are destroying the City and Community at their pleasure and profit . SICKOS!!!

  5. Anonymous5:28 PM

    Seriously, if you are continuing to defend Cossey and this nonsense, you're stupid. Or, you're were part of the people getting a kickback from the stolen money. Or, you're getting a kickback from the old money backers in CCU.

  6. Anonymous6:07 PM

    Sincere question, so does Jasper County possess three spineless judges who don’t want to touch this situation (the safe play is to stay away?) or is it a situation where each has had personal involvement with members of both sides of the aisle and prefer to recuse themselves in order to avoid conflict of interest?

    1. Anonymous5:06 AM

      I believe that most of them have had ties to at least one side.

  7. Anonymous9:27 PM

    Rife delaying the inevitable at the expense of the Taxpayer. The Impeachment hearing will occur, but thanks to Dan, now, at a greater expense to the City. Just like he drug out Dagnan leaving, at a cost to the City, this is being drug out, at the expense of the Taxpayer. Rife's accomplished nothing but delay. There's little doubt, his Attorney actually said, Dagnan was fired by the Coucil lawfully, Dan, you retaining him is cause for your Impeachment and Removal from office This was the craziest set up I've ever seen, nothing got passed until 1. Approved in form by the Mayor, Approved by the City Manager, then had to pass through the City Attorney for his OK...crazy - Like OK...lets have the US Attorney General and the President, just say what and in what form legislation Congress can pass. Perhaps the Governor and the State Attorney general can just mosey on over to the State Capitol and decide what they can vote on....nuts..

    1. Anonymous4:12 PM

      This couldn’t have been better said!

    2. Anonymous5:05 AM

      I think you’re looking at this all wrong. Maybe the City Council members who thought this was all a good idea to pursue should have just figured out how to act like adults and get along with people rather than going after their own personal agendas and spending the taxpayers money to get rid of two people that they don’t like.

  8. Anonymous4:49 AM

    6:07 the judges recusal was the only right thing to do. Staying in a case where you already have a particular opinion of the cases merit or have a bias regarding either party would be against the ethical rules for the judge.

  9. Anonymous4:14 PM

    Rife must go! He’s shown weak leadership and the ability to be manipulated by Dagnan for the last year plus. Let’s hope this is carried out soon.

    1. Anonymous5:09 AM

      I’m truly curious, can you give specific examples of how Dagnan has “manipulated” him? I’ve asked over and over for this and no one has provided any yet.

  10. Anonymous9:29 AM

    Off the Subject, but doesn't Judge Dankelson, look just like the Ghostbuster Marshmallow Man.

    1. Anonymous3:43 PM

      Perks of being the county prosecuting attorney and then judge, plenty of free meals and buffet circuits to be had.
