Thursday, June 27, 2024

Oklahoma schools ordered to use Bible in history teaching

By Nuria Martinez Keel

Oklahoma’s top education official on Thursday ordered all public schools in the state to incorporate the Bible into their curriculum as a historical text.

(Photo- Oklahoma State Superintendent Ryan Walters ordered all public schools in the state to keep the Bible in classrooms and use it as a teaching tool.- Photo by Nuria Martinez-Keel/Oklahoma Voice)

State Superintendent Ryan Walters said he wants the Bible kept and taught in every Oklahoma classroom, particularly how it is referenced in America’s history and founding documents.

“We’re going to be looking at the Mayflower Compact (and) other of those foundational documents to point to and say, listen, here’s conceptually what the founders believed,” Walters said while speaking with news reporters on Thursday.

State academic standards for social studies already require schools to teach students about the impact of religion on U.S. society and government.

The academic standards are a lengthy list of topics Oklahoma public schools must teach. Local school districts are allowed the freedom to decide their own curriculum, or how they teach the standards.

Walters’ announcement drew quick opposition from Democratic lawmakers and groups advocating for separation of church and state.

The Oklahoma chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations said the order would further marginalize religious minorities in public schools and violate religious freedom. The Muslim civil rights organization has advocated against adding specific religious teachings to the classroom.

“Although we and the American Muslim community recognize the important historical and religious significance of the Bible, forcing teachers to use it and only it in their curriculum is inappropriate and unconstitutional,” said Adam Soltani, director of the Oklahoma chapter. “We adamantly oppose any requirements that religion be forcefully taught or required as a part of lesson plans in public schools, in Oklahoma, or anywhere else in the country.”

State Sen. Carri Hicks, D-Oklahoma City, said the matter could end up in court, costing the state taxpayer dollars. Meanwhile, she said it fails to “provide solutions to the real problems facing our schools,” like the teacher shortage and falling below the regional average in public education funding.

Oklahoma already has been grappling with the role of religion in public schools. The state Supreme Court on Tuesday struck down a publicly funded Catholic charter school that was weeks away from opening in the state. The Court found the concept of a religious, state-funded school is unconstitutional and a violation of state law.

Attorney General Gentner Drummond led the legal challenge against opening the Catholic charter school, called St. Isidore of Seville Catholic Virtual School. But when reached for comment Thursday, his office did not raise alarm bells over Walters’ order on Bible teaching.

“Oklahoma law already explicitly allows Bibles in the classroom and enables teachers to use them in instruction,” the AG’s spokesperson, Phil Bacharach, said.

Walters has been a vocal supporter of St. Isidore. He called the Court’s ruling on the Catholic charter school “one of the worst” of its decisions and said the concept of separation of church and state is “a myth.”

Oklahoma Catholic leaders indicated they intend to appeal the ruling. A meeting agenda for the school’s Board of Directors states St. Isidore will “delay opening to students at least until the 2025-2026 school year, as it seeks review by the United States Supreme Court.”


  1. Anonymous1:43 AM

    This right wing republican extremism will eventually run its course and common sense, and the constitution, will prevail. This country has to endure the current temporary storm of chaos and magat rebellion to the rule of law and social justice.

  2. Anonymous4:33 AM

    1:43AM - If the Leftist Liberal Democrats can try and take God and the Pledge of Allegiance out of our Schools then why can't an alternate idea of Evolution vs Creationism be presented as part of the Social Platform of History?

    Democrats want God-Gone, Abortion as an Option for Life, Illegal Aliens to be Given Jobs, Free Places to Live, Social Security, and Medicare and then Give everyone Free Money and Services on the backs of Taxpayers - so they will all feel obliged to keep those Democrats in Office.

    Sounds like a Great Plan - Not! While you saw Joe Biden, Shuffle - Yes Shuffle behind his Podium last night at the debate, Slur Words, Speak Incoherently, Ramble On - Like he had a Stroke or Dementia - While the Democrats try to Prop him up - when he should be leaving the office and start treatments for long-term Alzheimer's.

    1. Anonymous5:34 AM

      Thank you 433 for FINALLY writing something original in paragraph 3. As a democrat I fully agree with your assessment. But on the first two paragraphs your obsession is getting old and stale. I guess when you have no other ideas and you're on the decline you keep repeating, take it from joe, it's not funny anymore. It's alzhimers.

    2. Anonymous7:21 AM

      Hey 5:34, Im not 4:33 but can’t the same be said for you.

      your obsession is getting old and stale. I guess when you have no other ideas and you're on the decline you keep repeating.

      Anyhow, the Bible like it or not is most accurate historical book ever written.

      I’m a sinner I was born that way and I will die that way. Thankfully god loves us, And by God sending his Son Jesus Christ to walk the Earth and then be crucified on the cross die and then 3 days later he rises from the grave. He shed his blood for our sins. I pray that whoever needs to hear this will and realize Jesus died for our sins, and the only way to the father is through Jesus.
      It’s the only way.
      Anyway all of you have a good day.

  3. Anonymous6:40 AM

    5:34AM, Thank You, For Continually - NEVER writing anything or Commenting on the Article, but always on other's Comments. I have No Obsession only the Truth - Which the Truth needs to be continual repeated, since Democrats cannot remember or practice it -

    With the Decline of the Democratic Party and what it stands for - Democrats have a Failure to Understand that this is what the Majority wants, and until the Liberal Courts try to Rewrite what the Majority wants - then Oklahoma and other States are going to dictate its own way of doing things.

    Don't like it move to Canada or some other Country - and allow more room for Illegal Aliens to take your Job, your House, your Tax Dollars, Medical & Healthcare, Medicaid, Nutritional Benefits, and your Classroom Space as Teachers throw up their Hands, because they cannot support and teach all these new undocumented students, who do not even speak English. So we will allow 1:43AM and 5:43AM - to say that republicans do not have common sense and are creating a country of chaos, while the Democrats, fail to support the Protection of our Country by opening up the borders, and having a President who is Brain-Dead and Asleep at the Wheel - Could someone wake up Sleepy Joe and tell him what Day it is and Country he is in.

    Again, the Truth.

    Since taking office, President Joe Biden has created an illegal migration crisis, with more than 10 million illegal aliens entering the United States under his watch.

    Undocumented immigrants may be eligible for a handful of benefits that are deemed necessary to protect life or guarantee safety in dire situations, such as emergency Medicaid, access to treatment in hospital emergency rooms, or access to healthcare and nutrition programs under the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program, also free education.

    1. Anonymous1:50 PM

      A big shout out to 640, 721, and 433 for giving us a firsthand look at the bucket of deplorables Hillary was so correct on. I assume your plans are the reintroduction of rotary phones, cars without seat belts and more guilt and shame from the pulpit. You won't find this liberal following you or the rest of your bucket into your conspiracy believing, morally
      bankrupt abyss.

  4. Anonymous1:11 PM

    4:33 AM- As a student at North Middle School, I was taught about both evolution, creationism, the big bang theory, etc... Each was taught from an objective point of view. I was also taught about each major religion, their beliefs, and their practices. That is how it should be done. We should be taught all of the major world religions and their beliefs. We should NOT be taught to follow a specific religion in public school. Not all students follow Christianity.

    Also, about the pledge... if I live in a country that has freedom of religion written into the constitution, and our schools decide to ignore that and force Christianity onto us, then why should I stand and recite the pledge?

  5. Anonymous1:26 PM

    Brain washed bible thumpers are at it again. The thumpers continue to try to force their Christian beliefs on others (because we don't know any better - How ARROAGANT can you be). What if your children were forced to read the Koran (or some other religion's text) - you would go nuts. Please practice your religion on your own time - and keep any and all relgions out of public schools or any public places.

    1. Anonymous6:30 PM

      111 makes a more educated argument than the right-winger 721, 640 "fine people" of the maga cult.

  6. Anonymous4:53 PM

    Pretty sure the establishment clause applies to Oklahoma as well.

  7. Anonymous4:54 PM

    Oklahoma, soon to be ranked 50th in everything 🤣

  8. Anonymous8:22 AM

    1:11PM - If you thoroughly read what 4:33AM said - they are saying that both Evolution and Creationism, should both be taught not just one.

    Also, they never said anything about teaching Christian Beliefs of any kind - other than if Students do believe in God - they should have that Right. God, depending on someone beliefs could be a Christian God, a Hindu God, a Buddhism God, an Islam God, a New Age God - every Religion has a God - now if you are an Atheist - then you can Worship Gameboy, Xbox, Kim Kardashian, Patric Mahomes, or Wallpaper that is your Right - just don't stop anyone from Worshipping who they Want - - That is what the Article Says - - and if you do not want to say the Pledge of Allegiance - then Don't - Pledge your Allegiance to whatever or whoever you want - you do have that Right - Just don't stop anyone else from that Freedom of Speech.

    Hopefully they also taught you that this Country was based on Religious and Financial Freedoms and Beliefs - It does not say a Particular Religion or Belief - and yes, the Constitution gives you that Right - Since many people died to give you that Freedom - which may be the Hardest thing most People have trouble remembering and having respect for that others have sacrificed to allow you to have those Rights and Freedoms - Others Paid that Price!!!

    1. Anonymous6:38 AM

      Get off your soap box 822, the kid is schooling you on the topic, so you might want to listen and learn. The kid is living the consequences of political extremism, you're making your usual narrative of what you know that we don't. Have some respect 822, there are those in the world who know more than you.
