Monday, July 29, 2024

Go Fund Me page established for family of 7-year-old Carthage boy killed in boating accident

A Go Fund Me page has been created to help defray expenses for the family of a 7-year-old boy who was killed in a boating accident Friday on Table Rock Lake.

The following message was posted on the Go Fund Me page, which was established by Brian Pink:

When I think of Bethany Roy, I smile. She is one of the kindest, most sincere people that I get to call friend. She is a fierce friend, incredible mother, and a champion of her 2 beautiful children; Annah (10) and Reuben (7).

Bethany has purposely lived below her means her entire life as a single mom to make sure her children are well cared for. Most of the time, this means she has sacrificed having what others would consider basic needs, but she willingly went without to give her children the best life possible. This includes being strategic on where she works so she could have time to take her children to school, pick them up, and not work after her children get out of school so she can devote her time to them.

On Friday July 26th, a tragic boating accident killed Bethany's beloved baby boy, Reuben. Reuben was the kindest soul you'd ever meet. He had wisdom and perception beyond his years. At the age of 5 Reuben asked his teacher if she knew God because of his deep love for her and he had that same deep love for everyone. He had the kind of eyes that comforted anyone that he made eye contact with. Though he was only 7, you just got the feeling of peace when speaking with him.

Bethany, for years, has poured her soul into the community through various outreaches, church groups, worship bands, and most recently by accepting a job at Carthage schools. This is our time to give back to Bethany so she can have the funds to bury her son, learn how to live without him, while providing comfort and care for her remaining child Annah, all while learning what it is to grieve.

I am calling on the community to help raise funds for Bethany. These funds will allow Bethany to pay for the funeral arrangements like the burial plot, casket, visitation and all that entails. In addition, it will give her the financial cushion to pay for food, rent, and living expenses while learning what it means to live without Reuben so she can focus on Annah and herself.

This is your time to take action! Please show Bethany and her family your love and support! Most importantly of all, please pray for her and her family. Secondly, please give ANY amount of money you possible can- even the smaller bit helps. Lastly, please share this story of her beloved son for the world to be able to show her support.

Funeral services are yet to be determined and will be announced at a later time.

As this is being posted at 2 p.m. Monday, the page has raised $42,730 from 591 donations. The goal is $48,000.



  1. Anonymous8:22 AM

    What a Sad and Tragic Situation - Prayers for the Family and Friends of Reuben Roy, who passed away to young. Nothing can ever take away the Memory of this Child or Losing him.

    If you Operate a Boat - Please - Never Ever Allow Swimmers / Skiers to Enter or Exit the Boat in the Water while the Boat is Running - No Matter if you have done this 100's of Times. It only takes One-Time - For an Accident to Happen.

    Swimming Around Boats: 10 Safety Tips
    1. Require All Swimmers to Wear a Lifejacket
    2. Make Sure the Boat Is Turned Off - When a Swimmer / Skier - is Entering or Exiting the Water Never Swim Next to a Running Boat
    3. Avoid Swimming in Busy Water
    4. Don’t Allow Swimming Under the Boat
    5. Don’t Swim Around Boat Exhaust
    6. Have an Easy Way for Swimmers to Get Onboard (Ladder and Ropes)
    7. Designate an Observer
    8. Keep the Boat Anchored
    9. Avoid Swimming in Currents or Away from a Drifting Boat
    10. Run a Line Off the Back of the Boat - We recommend tying a life ring or floatation device to the end so swimmers have extra assistance and/or instant contact with the vessel if they need it.

    1. Anonymous4:17 PM

      Not the time or the place for this, I believe you have great intentions, just bad timing. Hindsight is 20/20 accidents happen, Please let this family heal.
