Monday, July 29, 2024

Jason Smith: I will continue to push Biden to do what's right and resign

(From Eighth District Congressman Jason Smith)

For the last three and a half years, Republicans have been sounding the alarm over President Joe Biden’s fitness for office. His incoherent speeches, disastrous policies, physical struggles, and blank stares are just a few of the signs we’ve seen. 

There is nothing wrong with getting old – it’s part of life. But it’s a completely different scenario when we’re talking about the president of the United States – the most powerful person in the world.

For years, congressional Democrats, the liberal elite, and the media claimed that Republicans’ concerns over Biden’s health were nothing more than conspiracy theories. Yet over the last month, they suddenly changed their tune. We saw Biden’s health become front page news. Congressional Democrats and the liberal elite all of a sudden found the courage to admit publicly that Biden’s cognitive issues are a serious cause for concern. But let’s be clear: The media, congressional Democrats, wealthy elites, and those inside the Biden administration – including Vice President Kamala Harris – have known all along that Biden is unfit for office. In fact, they were complicit in hiding this information from the American people.

In late June, White House aides told a D.C. publication that between 10am to 4pm, Biden is engaged with his job, but outside of that time range he is more likely to have verbal slipups and become tired. The job of running the country and protecting the security of American families is not a 10-4 responsibility. The simple fact is long hours and sleepless nights are part of the job for a commander in chief.

For years, our adversaries have been taking advantage of Biden’s physical and mental decline. There’s no doubt in my mind that Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, as well as Iran and its terror proxies’ attacks on Israel, would never have happened if the president of the United States was a tough, competent leader. It’s unacceptable that Washington Democrats refuse to admit what they – and the rest of the world – have known for years: Biden is absolutely unfit to be commander in chief.

In his Oval Office address on July 24, Biden announced that he will retire from public office at the completion of his first term. He claimed that he made this decision because it is time to “pass the torch to a new generation.” That’s complete hogwash and just another example of the hundreds of lies we’ve heard from this president over many years. Everyone knows he was forced into making this decision because of pressure by Washington Democrats and the wealthy elite.

It’s a massive scandal that Kamala Harris, Washington Democrats, the media, and the liberal elite have covered up Biden’s cognitive decline from the public. With everything going on here at home and abroad, including the worst economy in decades, an unprecedented crisis at the border (which Vice President Harris was explicitly tasked by Biden with fixing), and war in the Middle East, America needs a strong leader more than ever. It’s clear that we don’t have that in Biden. And it’s clear that Vice President Harris and the Democrat elites are all too willing to lie to the American people to maintain their grasp on power.

What Biden should have announced in his Oval Office address is that he will step down immediately, which is something that I have demanded. While replacing Biden with Harris – a radical California liberal – as president isn’t ideal, there is far too much at stake for our nation to be led by someone who cannot string a few sentences together or put in a full day’s work. I will continue pushing Biden to do what’s right and resign. But no matter what happens, I will never stop fighting for you, your family, and the nation that we love.


  1. Anonymous6:01 PM

    Dear Jason, This may come as a surprise to you because you consistently are three steps behind, but, Biden will finish his term and all you'll have to show for your efforts are your big magat words of defiance. Please just shut up and finish your term, you've done enough damage and it's truly embarrassingly cringeworthy.

  2. Anonymous2:40 AM

    KAMALA 2024

  3. Anonymous11:44 AM

    I'm glad Biden listed to him :).

  4. Anonymous4:33 PM

    Go Kamala!

  5. Anonymous5:53 PM

    Where have all you right wingers gone? No rebuttal comments must mean you're accepting the fact it's over. Harris 2024

  6. Anonymous7:49 PM

    donOLD Trump does seem like the oldest candidate lately.

    He looks so much OLDER than Kamala Harris.

    Also he seems a little confused at times.

  7. Anonymous9:43 AM

    553 if you don't reply to my comment by 4:45pm today then that means you have succeeded that Trump will actually win 2024.
    With that being said, Trump, whether or not you like him, is easily more coherent and sharp at his old age than Harris. Which is really saying something because I personally cringe listening to Trump talk. Side note, why has he dumbed down his speech so much over the years. He sounded fairly intelligent in his interviews 30 years ago, is it really an act to appeal to what some would say is the average conservative voter, which I would argue is the average populace in general? It's not age, you can tell he's still pretty quick and observant in general.
    Anywho, if Harris wins 2024, which is pretty amazing that they're even setting her up as the candidate considering her abysmal approval rating ever since she stepped into office, up until as recent as a month ago, it'll be due to the same circumstances that Joe Biden won in 2020. Who was also a nobody, even less popular than Hillary Clinton. Think about that for a second, Hillary Clinton could have been the first female president, and she lost to an untested Orange man bad. 4 years later, after everyone found that the world actually wouldn't end with Trump as president, and actually thrive a little bit economically, creepy Joe Biden comes in as a milk toast old rich white man shoe in with zero organic support, and he somehow not only showed Hillary what's up by winning, but he did so with the most votes ever in history... That alone should have been a huge red flag to anyone with a few brain cells rubbing together, and we're not even talking about all of the sketchy cases of voter fraud that happened, that are still being fought in court to this day.
    Ps, this is all a show.

    1. Anonymous6:13 PM

      Hey 943, you can find Narcissist Anonymous by googling. You won't do that because narcissists don't have any problems.
