Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Anderson couple charged with child abuse after 2-year-old flown to Springfield in critical condition

The McDonald County Prosecuting Attorney's office charged an Anderson couple with felony child abuse after an unconscious 2-year-old girl in their care was flown to Springfield for emergency medical treatment.

Joseph Dickler (DOB 1986) and his wife, Tokiko Liwis (DOB 2001) are being held without bond.

According to the probable cause statement, Dickler told investigating Anderson police officers he and his wife had been taking care of the child and her 4-year-old brother since December, when the children's natural mother signed papers granting them custody.

Medical staff at the Springfield hospital said the 2-year-old was "emaciated, malnourished and had multiple fractures in various stages of healing," the probable cause statement said. "She also had injuries leading to a brain bleed requiring surgery of which the prognosis is reported as poor."


Anonymous said...

Joseph Dickler and Tokiko Liwis, are Sick Bastards. Why would anyone want to hurt children - they are one of our most precious gifts. I hope that these children get whatever love, support, and medical help they need to overcome this tragic situation, and this couple go straight to hell for hurting them.

Anonymous said...

It were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he cast into the sea, than that he should offend one of these little ones.

Anonymous said...

Why did thay take the children if they didn't plan to take care of them.

Anonymous said...

Randy please keep us updated on the the 2-year-old girls recovery if possible. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Hi is there any update on the little girl?