Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Carthage City Council member's attempt to punish KSNF owner for "unprofessional coverage" fails

You can report the news, but it had better be the way Tiffany Cossey wants it.

An attempt by the Carthage City Council member to stop all city advertising with Nexstar Media because one of its stations has provided "unprofessional coverage" of city news failed in a 2-2 vote by the council's Public Services Committee during its August 20 meeting.

Committee members Cossey and Jana Schramm voted to eliminate the advertising with Dustin Edge and Lori Leece opposing the motion.

During the discussion before the vote, it was pointed out that KSN's morning program and Living Well provide positive coverage of the city (not to mention KSN's annual complete coverage of the Maple Leaf Parade), but Cossey wasn't having any of it.

Other stations might take up the slack in those areas, she indicated, and perhaps the city should shift its advertising to streaming services "as traditional TV viewership has declined."

From the meeting minutes:

Ms. Cossey expressed concerns about the City continuing to pay Nexstar Media for advertising due to unprofessional reporting by one of their news stations. She stated that while she has no issue with the news being reported, she feels their reporting has been biased and unprofessional in their coverage on city issues. She proposed that no more advertising funds be spent with Nexstar until the Council sees that they are able to report without bias. 

Mr. Edge acknowledged the valuable coverage Nexstar provides for city events, particularly through their streaming services and programs like Good Morning Four States and Living Well. He cautioned that discontinuing advertising with Nexstar could negatively impact the promotion of these events. 

Ms. Cossey noted that there are four local stations, two of which are owned by Nexstar, and suggested shifting advertising to streaming services, as traditional TV viewership has declined. 

Ms. Leece expressed concern that halting this advertising would punish the community. She recommended openly discussing the matter with the company, emphasizing that the bias might be perceived differently by others. 

Ms. Cossey stated that the other local stations that don't engage in editorializing or unprofessional segments might be willing to cover city events. Ms. Cossey made a motion for the City to discontinue advertising spending with Nexstar until they can demonstrate unbiased reporting, motion failed.

Cossey will be the subject of a recall election in November.


  1. Anonymous8:31 PM

    Ms. Cossey doesn't seem to like the truth being told on her bullying behavior and her lack to care how her ward thinks on the topics of the city. She has her own agenda and doesn't want anyone or anything to get in her way. I don't mean this as hateful, but I do believe this has led to her suffering from mental problems. Listening to her makes me think I am. This city council needs to be gone except for a few. They have shown their true colors and are costing Carthage too much in too many ways.

  2. Anonymous8:33 PM

    It is amazing how many people have lived rent free in that Lady’s head in the last 14 months. Once you’re rent free in her head she will not rest until you are punished.

    So excited to vote to remove her on November 5. I had a neighborhood cookout a few weeks back and got 3 new neighbors to update their registration and of the 18 people at my cookout all 18 are voting to remove.

    Funny thing is I had to call another council member from a different ward because I couldn’t get ahold of either of my reps.

  3. Anonymous4:47 AM

    Prepare for Carthage Citizen's United to go onto their Facebook page and claim this is all a lie. The minutes were obviously altered by Dagnan and Rife to reflect poorly on Cossey and Schramm.

  4. Anonymous5:02 AM

    And the level of embarrassment that this community continues to endure finds another level of low. Please for the love of all things professional, make changes in our leadership.

  5. Anonymous7:05 AM

    Who better to spot unprofessional than Tiffany?

  6. Anonymous7:08 AM

    The News should always be reported without bias, state the facts and go on, if you don’t like it don’t watch it or read it.
    And don’t believe everything you read or see.

    1. Anonymous6:56 PM

      Props to Randy for allowing different views as well.

  7. Anonymous8:47 AM

    Everything she does justifies the recall to remove her. Not to mention, Chuck Bryant of CWEP tells her what to do during council meetings. He needs to focus on his impending audit and worry less about Cossey and his attempt through her and the other six to impeach our mayor. Is Carthage finally starting to see all of the connections???

    1. Anonymous4:58 PM

      Wonder why the boss at Carthage water and electric would care about the city council?

  8. Anonymous9:47 AM

    Ooooh. It's sexist to vote to recall Cossey if you are a male?

    Bonus for bringing your views of religion into it, so as to denigrate those who are tired of Cossey's nonsense. Nonsense is a kind way to describe the way things have been recently, as many of those preparing to vote to recall her are using stronger words.

    Here's another bible reference, but this one is from Matthew.

    Matthew. 7:1-2

    "Judge not, that ye be not judged.

    2 For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again."

    She's about to be served a large helping of judged by recall!

    The voters have had enough of her.

    1. Anonymous12:07 PM

      The comment that I had responded to at 9:47 has been deleted.

      Cossey supporters can't take the heat.

      Quoting bible verses and accusing those who want to recall Cossey of essentially being misogynistic males who don't like women in charge.

      The commenter claimed to be neutral with friends on both sides.

      They must not have been too proud of their work, as it's gone.

    2. Anonymous9:01 PM

      Thank you for pointing that out. I saw the comment (now deleted) and was getting ready to reply but got busy and thought I’d do it later. Your comment is way better than what I would have said anyway. Excellent points, appreciate your candor, perfectly said.

    3. Anonymous9:32 PM

      Hello, I did not delete my previous comment. I have no idea how to delete comments on here. As I said, I am neutral to these issues. Just tired of seeing the constant hate coming from the one fb page. That is all.

    4. Anonymous6:19 AM

      You’re confused. TRUTH is not hate. Tiffany loves to use the word hate. It makes her the victim when it fact all she is is the aggressor. She is the hateful one. Go back and rewatch council meetings. Better yet, ask how she behaves in closed session. I’ve heard one word over and over to describe her: EVIL.

  9. Anonymous11:41 AM

    This comes from someone who has friends on both sides and is entirely neutral.

    Weak Sauce.

  10. Anonymous12:32 PM

    This thread has run off the rails and is now an official disaster.

    1. Anonymous2:04 PM

      Sorry Tiffany!

      You're about to get fired by the voters.

  11. Anonymous7:02 PM

    Mrs. Cossey has been a blessing for her courage in the face of adversity and dedication to the city of Carthage and should be commended. It's disgraceful that the "lynch mob" and spin doctors resort to personal attacks simply because they can't argue with her leadership, intelligence, and acumen. Mrs. Cossey, I applaud you and there's enough of us involved to easliy outweigh the sour grapes.

    1. Anonymous9:20 PM

      Tiffany Cossey is no leader. She’s losing supporters by the minute. Literally. There’s nothing to spin. She opens her mouth and destroys her reputation all in the same breath. She’s a narcissist. She can’t help herself. She has a history of this abnormal behavior. She is her own lynch mob. She’s brought ALL of this on herself. Not to mention, you and the few people who still support her must lack a moral compass. She’s an enemy to our citizens (also her constituents mind you) all the while, bankrupting our city and causing strife between neighbors and friends. We are fed up.

    2. Anonymous4:19 PM

      Are leaflets and bullhorns next with your propaganda against Ms Cossey? Just because you keep spewing your narrative and passive aggressive agenda doesn't mean the voting public buys into it.

    3. Anonymous6:05 PM

      Propaganda? Passive aggressive agenda? P. Douglas, I suppose you would know about that…you are the non-resident expert, especially when it comes to SLANDER. And lest you forget, very few of her supporters live in Ward 5. Too bad.

  12. Anonymous9:03 PM

    I believe this recall is the first of its kind in Carthage. November can’t come soon enough.

    1. Anonymous4:00 PM

      Mark Elliff?

    2. Anonymous5:57 PM

      4:00 pm... I think they meant "successful" recall, not the other one(Elliff) which ended with a small fraction of the needed signatures and evolved into a PAC which spent 10k to buy the next election. It'll cost them 10 times that number to buy a single seat in the next election.

    3. Anonymous7:56 PM

      This will be Elliff 2.0.

    4. Anonymous8:52 AM

      There wasn’t an Elliff 1.0. It didn’t happen. They didn’t get the signatures. Cossey’s recall did get the needed the signatures and will be on November’s ballot.

    5. Anonymous9:47 AM

      The only way Tiffany leaves is by her own accord.

    6. Anonymous1:23 PM

      There was no recall of Mark Elliff. There was an attempt to get the 500+ signatures in 30 days as required. Reports are they had less than 30 signatures, so no recall election no recall just a failed attempt to get signatures. I can get 30 signatures right now of people who believe lizard people live under ground and they couldn’t get 30 to Recall Elliff. With her there is no transparency, no fiscal responsibility, unethical behavior and maybe the election will bring accountability. But for now we wait for her next victim. Dally gone, she didn’t stop. Dagnan gone, still problems. Runs Huntley out. Nope still problems now it’s the medias fault we are in shambles because too much transparency and openness. Who will be next on her list.

  13. Anonymous9:28 PM

    7:02 p.m., please list her accomplishments because all I am aware of are the ordinances she has tried to push through that have been deemed illegal by two city attorneys, enough violations of the Sunshine Law to warrant mandatory training by the Attorney General, and thousands of wasted dollars on a sham impeachment she is the ringleader and spokesperson for. It is also obvious that she is being told what to say in meetings by watching her text on her phone then seeing who in the audience is texting back and forth with her. Text conversations of points she is being told to make during the meetings once again a Sunshine Law violation. Please tell me what good she has done for the city because I have not seen a single benefit to having her on the council since I started following the meetings.

    1. Anonymous7:14 AM

      For starters Kirk, she holds multiple professional credentials that have a strong emphasis on ethics, and if she was truly as egregious as the one sided reporting would like to believe and portray, this would have been exposed long ago resulting in those credentials being rescinded. You and the other 46 Ronin (not all showed up for the Martin rally, so probably closer to 10) are great theater though.

    2. Anonymous10:14 AM

      Not Kirk, nice try though. She continuously violates the oaths she’s vowed to withhold. She wants to win at all costs and threatens when accosted, then plays the victim. I personally know what her daughter did to another child. Tiffany was abhorrent and even the school district didn’t want to deal with her because all she does is threaten and shout out her credentials without any sense of morality. She’s got way deeper issues than people realize.

    3. Anonymous12:30 PM

      Kirk, Greg, whomever. More conjecture and hearsay.

    4. Anonymous2:01 PM

      It’s not Greg either. You all love to call truth “hearsay.” You do it every time. You must be one of the CCU committee members. Mark P is this you?

    5. Anonymous6:29 PM

      You're all Legion, it doesn't matter, and nothing has ever been substantiated, so until then it's hearsay and inadmissible. Not everyone supporting Tiffany is formally with the CCU; that's the point. And once again you have to try and either deflect or take another opportunity to take a shot at someone else not even in the conversation.

    6. Anonymous8:56 AM

      That’s funny. You called me Kirk and Dagnan so…….

      I think Tiffany has broken enough sunshine laws in her two years on council. All on record. Most on video so clearly not heresay. Going to guess those will be admissible.

    7. Anonymous9:04 AM

      Ya’ll are in lala land when it comes to Cossey.

    8. Anonymous10:14 AM

      And I realize this is an informal platform, but can we please tighten up on our grammar and punctuation? Ellipses have three dots...unless it closes a sentence, then has four.... Names and proper nouns should be capitalized, and the apostrophe is after the "Y" in "Y'all." It's short for "You all." Also, please let Kirk know that that the he "couldn't care less." Not "could care less." So was that mean?

    9. Anonymous10:38 AM

      If Ms. Cossey had truly done something illegal or immoral, there would've been grounds for removal. There are some that would like us to believe there is this colossal wave against her, and it's simply not true.

    10. Anonymous11:49 AM

      Did you forget about the censure? She agreed to wrong-doing and signed an agreement to straighten up her behavior. It didn’t last long. And don’t think the AG isn’t clearly aware of what she and others on council are doing.

      I think you all are forgetting she’s on record for all of the money being wasted on the sham impeachment. The QPQ. It’s all on record for the courts down the road…

    11. Anonymous1:13 PM

      Again, spinning the narrative. Sham impeachment? The mayor knowingly ignored charter and law to remove Dagnan. There was no choice but to seek legal counsel leading to the accompanying expenses. Then finally the mayor admits it and Dagnan goes. Somebody had to say it, so thank goodness for Tiffany Cossey.

    12. Anonymous5:02 PM

      Hey Paul - she was part of the deal to drop the impeachment if the mayor would drop the recall. Short memory you have.

      Once the subpoenas are delivered and the depositions scheduled, just watch the impeachment magically disappear…

  14. Anonymous3:57 AM

    Hey 702, Moscow margery taylor green. That's all that needs said.

  15. Anonymous7:13 AM

    You know Randy, that they will probably now call a special meeting to vote on sending you a letter telling you you cant report on this anymore?!!!

  16. Anonymous12:14 PM

    How's the lawsuit Greg Dagnan file against all the howling monkeys of Carthage going?


    1. Anonymous2:03 PM

      Hey Chuck, shredded all your files yet?

    2. Anonymous7:19 PM

      Are you kidding? Nothing scares that guy. When the boogeyman goes to sleep, he checks HIS closet for Chuck Bryant.

    3. Anonymous9:09 AM

      That closet is probably where Chuckles hides and takes his in house legal council for “emergency meetings.”

    4. Anonymous9:56 AM

      Did you know that the flu has to take a shot for Chuck Bryant?
