Saturday, August 24, 2024

Death of a kitten

I can't stop thinking about this kitten.

When I attended East Newton High School 50 years ago, I received an education ... When this little fellow visited East Newton earlier this week, he received a death sentence.

How it was that he came to East Newton and reportedly fell into the hands of four students who may have taken actions that injured him and ultimately led to his death is unclear.

According to two people who talked with R-6 Superintendent Scott Charlton, everything was captured by surveillance cameras, and as he told a board member the kids "were petting and loving on him until a young girl took it to a coach by the track. The coach gave the kitten to a custodian who called the shelter.

"The young girl and coach said he looked like he got into a chemical that can cause brain swelling."

It's terrible when school districts leave chemicals that can cause brain swelling lying around. Seems like that might be something you would want to keep away from students, too.

After the East Newton Animal Coalition picked up the kitten, this message was posted on Facebook:

This afternoon we got several urgent calls about grey kitten at the high school. The kitten was in obvious need of assistance. A couple of the messages indicated there was a group of kids being “mean” to it. We don’t need names or anyone feeling like they’re being a snitch, but we really need to know if there was any physical harm done to this baby and in what form. Was he kicked? Hit? Thrown? Etc. lt would help us so much to know how to proceed on getting him the care he needs if we know we are dealing with a physical injury vs something like a heat related Illness.

The kitten was taken to the Diamond Animal Clinic where the veterinarian suspected "brain swelling due to trauma," according to a post on the Coalition's Facebook page.

We have also received information to back up this suspicion.

My understanding is the Newton County Sheriff's Office has been contacted about the alleged mistreatment of the kitten.

As the kitten was receiving medical treatment, word spread on social media and thousands began praying for a kitten that discovered that a place of education could be a death trap.

Sometimes prayer isn't enough.

The announcement came Friday on the Coalition's Facebook page:

Sadly, the kitten crossed the rainbow bridge last night. His little body just wasn’t strong enough to handle his injuries. We appreciate the outpouring of support. Fly free little friend. May there be no bullies in kitty heaven.

I don't know about a rainbow bridge, but I like the sound of it.

I like to think of a kitty heaven that is filled with string, empty boxes, and windowsills.

More than that, I like to think of a world where kittens are loved, cared for and allowed to grow up to be cats.

Now that would be a kitty heaven.


  1. Anonymous11:29 AM

    What kind of Sick and Detestable Kids - would do that to a poor and defenseless animal - I hope they round them up and give them a punishment suitable to this crime. I have my own ideas of what they deserve but will leave it up to the police - though if I caught them in the act I believe in an - "Eye for an Eye"!!!

    1. Anonymous2:14 PM

      Sounds like kids raised by liberals, if babies are disposable why wouldn’t they think a kitten was…

    2. Anonymous4:09 PM

      And you magat jackasses always gotta say something stupid to sound off anybody cares 214.

    3. Anonymous6:19 PM

      4:09 Typical lib response… you can’t hurt my feelings I’m not woke…

    4. Anonymous7:09 AM

      7:43 woke=Kamala supporters, baby killers, Alphabet gangs, same sex marriage, no morals, people that had their eyes closed and refused to believe Biden was out of his mind for the last 3 1/2 years. That’s just the high level I could go on for days

  2. Anonymous8:54 PM

    Anyone who equates, or holds higher, animal life with human life, needs serious help. Moron cat drank poison....who's to blame? The moron cat.

    1. Anonymous7:04 AM

      854, Typical magat response to all life in general.

  3. Anonymous6:55 AM

    There's a special place in hell for animal abusers. Unfortunately many who abuse animals also end up abusing people.

  4. Anonymous5:00 PM

    8:54PM - You are a sick sociopath. Who gave the poison to the cat you frigging idiot? Anyone that would maliciously harm innocent animals, needs to be put away permanently, they have no morals or respect for the weaker or less fortunate.

    Animals today, then weaker kids, then weaker adults, who will be the victims of these mentally ill kids in the future?

    Found this on Quora Post - Can I shoot someone who kills my cat or dog?

    Can is probably the wrong question. Of course, you CAN. In fact, you probably should, on a moral level, since the life of your dog is worth infinitely more than the life of anyone who would murder a dog.

    That said, our justice system is castrated and weak. It protects the worst elements of society at the expense of the innocent. If you someone murders your pet, and you need to avenge them, either you better be good at covering up your tracks, or you could simply beat the living crap out of them, and the police are unlikely to even bother with the case.

    So 8:54PM, I would be very careful who you upset, there are a lot of animal lovers in this world, and they do not always see your pecking order in life.

    1. Anonymous6:00 PM

      Wow 500, agreed that anyone hurting animals is a POS, but geez, you got some anger issues.

  5. Anonymous7:25 PM

    I find it ironic that the folks that demand the right to kill a child till the end of the third trimester, become militant and demand retribution for anyone involved in animal abuse, which is deplorable. Support PETA? I guarantee you're pro choice.

  6. Anonymous8:42 PM

    Childless cat ladies

  7. Can we drop the political diatribes? This is getting ridiculous.

  8. Hyacinth4:04 PM

    Torturing animals is a precursor to killing humans. If you can kill an animal without feelings of remorse, you can kill a human. Back in the early 70s, I had cats come to my parent's house and I would rescue them. At times, a cat would come home from prowling with a broken jaw and something stuck in his "powder puff" and another one had been set on fire, while yet another one was observed being put in a pillowcase and flooded with marijuana smoke. So, I can attest that the people who did this were psychopaths who got a lot of pleasure from hurting animals and after that, people.
