Monday, September 23, 2024

$115,000 remodeling of Board of Education meeting room on tap for Joplin R-8 Board

The Joplin R-8 Board of Education meeting room appears headed toward a refurbishing.

The R-8 administration is recommending the board accept the low bid of $115,800 from American Construction, Inc. for the remodeling of the board room. The item is on the agenda for Tuesday's 6 p.m. board meeting at Eastmorland Elementary.

The reasoning for the remodeling, with funding coming from the 2024-25 capital outlay budget, was explained in the recommendation:

A remodel of the BOE meeting room is needed to update the space for configurability, audio visual enhancements, sustainability, efficiency, and better workflow. This remodel will allow the space to also be used for other PD meetings in addition to televised BOE meetings. The upgrades will include LED lighting, sound system, sound control, improved broadcast capabilities, better egress and digress, and improved historical display.

 The district received two other bids- $117,600 from Construction Services Group and $158,000 from Crossland Construction Company.



Anonymous said...

I mean sure, the room needs a remodeling, as does Memorial as a whole. But maybe focus on the rotting drywall, rotting ceiling tiles, missing baseboards, etc. at JHS before we drop $100k on a remodeling of the BOE room.

Anonymous said...

It is always easy to spend Taxpayers Money - do we need to put in Funding to pay for Make-Up and Hair Artisans to make the Board Members look Better too. Years ago - they might hold the meetings in the Gymnasium or the Cafeteria, with a Cheap PA System - now we have to make a Hollywood Presentation / Production out of a Simple Meeting - that will FAIL to Accomplish anything.

Anonymous said...

If the Board of Education doesn't look good who will run in the future?