Monday, September 16, 2024

Attorney asks for delay in Rocco Joseph hit-and-run hearing, says it conflicts with midterm tests

It appears likely that the first appearance for Rocco Joseph, 18, Joplin, on a felony charge of leaving the scene of a fatal accident will be pushed back at least a week.

The hearing, currently scheduled for 1 p.m. October 7, conflicts with the mid-terms at Joseph's college, according to a motion filed Friday in Cherokee County, Kansas District Court.

Mr. Joseph attends college in Mississippi and the week of October 7th he is scheduled to take a number of mid-term tests. Mr. Joseph requests that the first appearance be moved to sometime of the week of October 14, 2024.

The motion for a continuance, which was filed by attorney Thomas J. Bath, Leawood, Kansas, is not opposed by the Cherokee County district attorney.

Joseph and his father. John Joseph II, a Joplin dentist, are both charged with leaving the scene of a fatal crash in connection with the August 19, 2023, hit-and-run that killed Gary LaTurner, 60, Galena, Kansas. The elder Joseph is also charged with "contributing to a child's misconduct or deprivation."

Reportedly, Cherokee County District Attorney Kurt Benecke is alleging Dr. Joseph was the driver of another vehicle that arrived on the scene following the accident, then left without doing anything for LaTurner.

Dr. Joseph's charging document says he "did unlawfully, feloniously or knowingly cause or encourage a child under 18 years of age {Rocco Joseph} to commit an act which if committed by an adult would be a felony, to wit: leaving the scene of a fatality accident."

Dr. Joseph's initial appearance is also scheduled for 1 p.m. October 7.


  1. Anonymous5:17 PM

    Justice delayed is justice denied!

    RIP Gary Wayne LaTurner.

    Gone too soon!

  2. Anonymous6:12 PM

    Plea deal, probation, fine…..large payout to victims family…… story, please

  3. Anonymous6:17 PM

    Hotty Toddy, Gosh Almighty,

    What'll they think of next?

    1. Anonymous6:19 AM

      Probably will be at the Grove for a football game

    2. Anonymous9:42 AM

      Flim Flam, Bim Bam

  4. Anonymous8:07 PM

    Oh my goodness. How dare they interrupt his life! At least he still has a life. These people are beyond despicable. Evidently a bunch of narcissistic, self-important jerks. They are exactly what is wrong with the world today.

  5. Anonymous10:09 PM

    These people literally only care about money and worship it. I hope a civil suit makes them feel real financial pain.

  6. Anonymous12:59 AM

    Four Corners Proud.

    You know it's more than empty words!

  7. Anonymous2:58 AM

    Exactly what I was gonna say 8:09

  8. Anonymous5:50 AM

    I am sure the victim would have preferred to be alive. I have no doubt this family has zero guilt about their responsibility on the death of another human being. God forbid you kill someone and have to miss an exam.

  9. Anonymous7:21 AM

    5:50. Came here to say the same. Oh, we wouldn’t want to inconvenience the poor kid. The judge should deny and make him understand this is the most important thing in his life right now. That’s the problem though with people like him, they have few consequences for their actions. He and his father need to be charged with something other than a traffic violation. This was murder. Had they done the right thing like most people would the victim might very well have survived. Hope they get some real time for this.

  10. Anonymous10:50 AM

    Suppose the victim had survived, the perpetrators could have been sued for the continuing pain and the diminished quality of life the victim had experienced after being struck by the accused... not anymore.

  11. Anonymous1:41 PM

    Innocent until proven guilty.

    1. Anonymous2:38 PM

      That’s what they claim but why do they arrest innocent people?

    2. Anonymous3:31 PM

      Unless they are an escaped convict, then by definition everyone arrested is innocent, pending the filing of charges and possible conviction.

    3. Anonymous3:30 PM

      Being arrested would be deprivation of rights wouldn’t? Here set in jail until we can or can’t charge you seems kinda strange. What do I know I got my lawyer degree from the Turner Report

    4. Anonymous3:40 PM

      Motion for continuance 2024 $$$
      Motion for continuance 2024 $$$
      Motion for change of venue 2024 $$$$
      Motion for continuance and change of venue $$$$$$$ multiple times from start of 25-28
      2028 Well he’s been a good silver spoon boy for 4 years look at the volunteer work and fundraising he’s done and his daddy thinks he’s important in the Joplin community, let’s get a plea deal and give him 60 days probation. Let’s check back in 2028.
      Judges that fall for this nonsense need a new line of work

  12. Anonymous9:38 AM

    Why haven't these two, been arrested and been given a bond with release / travel conditions to get out of jail - why the luxury of just coming and going and continuances when ever you want. Justice is not being served, when the Defendants / Criminals are setting the Rules.
