Friday, September 27, 2024

Attorney asks that Newtonia man charged with child abuse be released on his own recognizance

A bond reduction hearing is scheduled for 1 p.m. Tuesday in Newton County Circuit Court for a Newtonia man charged with child abuse for actions he allegedly took September 14 that left a 9-month-old boy clinging to life at Children's Mercy Hospital.

In a bond reduction motion filed September 19, Andrew Hendrick, the public defender representing Jordan Boggess, 28, says his client should be released on his own recognizance or have bond set.

Hendrick notes that his client has no previous criminal history.

Currently, Boggess is being held without bond in the Newton County Jail.

In a report earlier today, KY3 in Springfield quoted the child's grandmother, Christi Newman, who offered a grim update on the child's condition:

He'll not be the same baby if he makes it. He'll be wheelchair bound; he will not be able to talk.

The allegations against Boggess are detailed in the probable cause statement:

I responded to the résidence where deputies were located. We were able to contact Jordan Boggess who was asleep inside the residence. Jordan was identified as the child's mother's fiancé. Jordan agreed to voluntarily come to the sheriff's office for an interview.

During a mirandized, recorded interview, Jordan disclosed the following information. Jordan said he. was lying in bed watching tv when the child's mother got up and went to the restroom. He said the mother placed the child in a "jumper."

Jordan said the child had vomited and ·was screaming. Jordan had said that was all that happened. Jordan then said he picked the child up from out of the jumper and began to "toss him in the air" trying to "comfort" him.

Jordan said that was all that happened.

Jordan then admitted that the child fell to the ground the second time he "tossed" him in the air. Jordan said his hands were sweaty because it was warm inside the residence and that is why the child fell to the ground.

Jordan said the child fell on his head. Jordan said that was all that happened.

Jordan then admitted after the child fell on the floor he panicked and "bear hugged" the child "a little hard" until he stopped sçreaming. Jordan asked if it was tight and he said yes. Jordan admitted he might have. hurt him when he squeezed him, Jordan said he squeezed him during the "bear hug" on the baby's torso.

Jordan was asked "so what happened to him up at the hospital is a result ·of what happened with you''--·and Jordan shook his head· yes.

Jordán also first denied picking the child up with his hands around his torso, but then later on his said he might have.

(Pictures of the child are screenshots from the KY3 report)


  1. Anonymous8:16 PM

    Jordan Boggess, is an SOB - anyone that would hurt an innocent child - should not be given the chance to walk out of jail. This Child may have Brain / Neurological and Physical Issues the rest of his Life and his Public Defender, Andrew Hendrick, has the Balls to ask for - A-Get-Out-Jail-Free-Card for this Monster.

    Both Boggess and Hendrick, needs to be dropped off a Building and see how that feels!

    1. Anonymous2:20 AM


    2. Anonymous4:52 PM

      Are you suggesting some vigilante violence?

      Or just a scientific experiment to see if gravity still sucks in Newton County?

      In America you are innocent until proven guilty IN A COURT OF LAW.

  2. Anonymous4:27 AM

    The attorney is doing what he is supposed to do. I don't like it either but the man hasn't been found guilty. He has right for a reasonable bond. It is in that pesky little Bill of Rights thing. It is never OK to hurt a child and he needs punished if he is found or pleads guilty.

  3. Anonymous6:12 AM

    I hope the mother is charged. Poor baby.

  4. Anonymous11:11 AM

    No criminal history because he’s never been caught, that’s how I read it

    1. Anonymous1:34 PM

      Thought the same thing

  5. Anonymous1:02 PM

    4:27AM - Maybe give him a Bond - BUT NOT - A Get Out of Jail Free on His Own Recognizance - He does not deserve any Special Treatment or Leniency.

    The Judge also, need to set a Protection Order Barring him from Access to this Child and Possible Mother of the Child.

    1. Elvis Presley2:19 PM

      Its a hard cold fact that if you maganuts take a look at the headliners recently here on the TR, (if you're able to read): multiple pedophiles, child abusers, misguided and misleading politicians, thievery, and state sponsored murder, all have been committed by 0 immigrants. We all know you take an isolated incident with immigrants and turn it to what sounds live a massive invasion of trump described thugs, drug users, and etc,etc, to keep your less educated simple minded breatheren stoked in fear.
      Here's the simple truth to the entire maga (bowel) movement: "Stupid is as stupid does" Forrest Gump, 1993.

    2. Anonymous6:10 PM

      Elvis, they locally killed a man in cold blood, dumped his body and almost repeated that in KC. So, I suppose you can multiply that in dozens of cities. You think none of the illegal immigrants are criminals? And I'm not maga

    3. Anonymous7:40 PM

      According to ICE they released 454, 000 criminal illegals into the US. 13,000 of which are murderers. I don't think your strawman works here.
