Saturday, September 14, 2024

Ben Baker: Eating pets is just the beginning if terrible immigration policy continues

President Donald Trump's mention of Haitian immigrants eating cats and dogs in Springfield, Ohio, a story Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine, a Republican, and Springfield city officials say has no basis in truth, continues to gain traction among his followers and other GOP politicians, including Rep. Ben Baker, R-Neosho, who was spreading the story even before the debate.

In an X post from the morning of the debate, Baker, whose daughter and son-in-law were murdered by gang members May 23 while serving as missionaries to Haiti, expressed his thoughts on Haiti and the Biden Administration's immigration policy:

The Biden/Harris administration is directly responsible for importing Haitian immigrants here completely unvetted. You can’t expect those that all they know is a lawless culture to assimilate to the American way of life and respect our values. Many of these that are now here are murderers who kill just to kill. 

know this very well from the brutal tragedy that happened with my daughter and son-in-law. They practice voodoo and some even cannibalism. They worship Satan. 

Now everybody is upset because of their pets being eaten by the Haitians, but it will be much worse than that if this terrible immigration policy is allowed to continue. The only recourse you have is to protect yourself. 

People better wake up and start voting for those that will fix this mess instead of those starting the fires that’s burning this country down and importing the third world by the thousands. Too many great men and women fought and died for what we have for this great country to be in shambles like it is.

@realDonaldTrump promised me he would fix it and I believe him. Vote Trump or this country will never recover from this mess. 

That’s the bottom line.


Anonymous said...

This might well be the most deliberate racist article I've ever seen on TR, by a far right politician no less. Sorry for your loss ben, it was tragic and heartbreaking, but what you just released is disgusting and deplorable. That's all we need, even more hate driven racist verbage from magat land.

Anonymous said...

Springboard Benny.

Anonymous said...

How does his church still support this person?? He is so full of hate. His church group needs to look back at what he started with and how he is now. Even just in the way he looks. He use to follow their ways but now he is not at all. What does Matthew say about the foreigner? The Haitian people there are not illegal at all

Anonymous said...

He and No Me have gone short sleeves, make-up, and tight jeans. Gotta blend in.

Anonymous said...

I'd say this fool Baker has gone around the bend, but it's been apparent that already happened a long time ago.

Jonathan Dresner said...

Vicious, dangerous, irresponsible speech. Blood libels and slander, the kind that we *know* historically leads to outright violence against innocents. In a more reasonable world, that would be an impeachable offense, grounds for removal from office.

Anonymous said...

Benjamin has the right protectors around him.

Anonymous said...

A whole bunch of cry baby libs, we have free speech I know you “dem”ons are now against that because your flip floppers…
Are these people here illegally? The answer is yes,
Do they belong here? No
We are getting other countries garbage, as the saying goes garbage in garbage out.

Anonymous said...

And now, for your right-wing extremist worldview, here presents 548. Notice the echo you as a reader might hear from previous trump conspiracy theories and hate filled racist lies in his post. Repeated incessantly for his white male, non college educated minions, this deplorable and divisive approach, is red meat for the fear stricken and easily manipulated segment of our population. 548, and his limited and disturbed worldview, is not only enslaved by this cult, but also an obvious and willing pawn to his masters bidding. So sad.

Anonymous said...

What has happened to the Republican Party? Sad sacks of crap. MO deserves much better! I am not voting for them anymore. WE ARE NEVER, GETTING BACK TOGETHER.

Anonymous said...

Remember when the GOP had class? Remember when they actually had plans for uniting and keeping our country strong ? It has devolved into blatant racism. Dog whistle talk. It likes to pretend people who don't support their twisted conspiracy riddled world view aren't even human. A page out of Hitler's book. Sadly Reagan would roll over in his grave if he saw this sorry excuse for his party and where they are headed. Under a fake guise of Christian views.

Anonymous said...

Ronald Reagan was just as much a lying sack full as the latest republikkklans. Peopoe were just fooled.

He was in bed with Tailgunner Joe McCarthy.

Anonymous said...

Considering his recent tragedy, you may be mistaken!

Anonymous said...

A recall vote to impeach and remove this individual is now necessary to maintain the integrity of the position. He can no longer represent our district.

Anonymous said...

More simply bad ideas repeated by Ben Baker for the simply bad republican base.

Anonymous said...

Remember the Russian collusion, The Covid vax that the demons were not going to get because Trump made it happen and then tried and forced it on everyone… lots of sheep not many wolves

Anonymous said...

459=as nonsensical and incoherent a post you'll ever get a laugh at. Have no idea of how you decipher nonsense like this.

Anonymous said...

Nonsense like pronouns and not knowing what a woman is. Laughable

Anonymous said...

Check your facts, they are legal migrants, and they are not eating anyones pets.

Anonymous said...

It's been over a week since the trump debate debacle and the Haitian hate is getting worse. ben baker and the other hate filled deplorables will have blood on their hands if any of the many right wing nut jobs harm or kill innocent Haitian citizens of the United States of America. Many of you bitch and complain about me and my posts. You should be more concerned with the hatred toward non white people and more specifically, Springfield, OH and the bullshit trump has cast upon innocent people of all colors.